Going offshore to escape the CFTC

  1. search “fingerprint thumb drive” on google

  2. buy 1 or more for each heir

  3. lock in each heir with their own thumb drive

  4. install all passwords on the thumb drive

  5. give thumb drives to lawyer (or wherever) to give to heirs upon your passing

  6. trust fund works too


That’s an excellent answer, but I have one question, what if I want to keep adding cryptos to these drives till I pass away? See your number 5 answer.

I am back to using a trust fund? correct

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-Likely, the thumb drive is just a way to secure the passwords since a crypto wallet is just an address on the blockchain, similar to an email address that is decentralized, so it does not really need a physical storage device.

The problem with a thumb drive is that it is electronic, leaving it susceptible to malfunction, damage, theft and hacking etc… Placing a piece of paper in an bank vault seems more secure to me. Not meaning to sound overly critical.


I love the answers, thank you! If anyone can provide an answer, please do.

Although offshore brokers have nothing to do with this, I can see why they cave in to U.S. pressure. read the bold.

Bitcoin worth $3.3 billion found in a popcorn tin

A huge stash of cryptocurrency has been discovered in a popcorn tin following a raid by the US Department of Justice.

Over 50,676 bitcoins, worth around $3.36 billion at the time of discovery, were hidden on various devices found within the home of a hacker who had stolen them from the dark web marketplace Silk Road.

James Zhong, 32, pled guilty last week to committing wire fraud in September 2012, having exploited a loophole in the website’s payment structure.

Law enforcement agents found the stolen crypto nearly a decade later on hard drives and USB sticks in Mr Zhong’s home.

According to a press release from the DOJ, the cryptocurrency was located “in an underground floor safe; and on a single-board computer that was submerged under blankets in a popcorn tin stored in a bathroom closet”.

The DOJ said it was the second largest financial seizure in history.

“For almost ten years, the whereabouts of this massive chunk of missing bitcoin had ballooned into an over $3.3 billion mystery,” said US Attorney Damian Williams.

“This case shows that we won’t stop following the money, no matter how expertly hidden, even to a circuit board in the bottom of a popcorn tin.”

so, who gets to keep that $3.3 billion BTC?

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Not Looking good

FTX seeks rescue funds, regulators freeze its assets

Crypto exchange FTX is searching for $9.4 billion from investors, as well as rivals, Reuters reported on Thursday. Its Chief Executive Sam Bankman-Fried is urgently looking for a way to save the exchange after a surge of customer withdrawals.

The crisis unfolded during the week as FTX faced a “liquidity crunch” and rival, Binance, initially agreed to buy its non-US assets but following due diligence checks opted out.

FED will be all over that like the damn Cookie Monster

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Manipulation in the business-financial sector is a big no-no. Only the government is allowed to do that. Along with raffles and lotteries, of course.


You know the game, From insider trading, raffles, and lotteries, allowing casinos to rig their machines to take customers’ money, The list goes on

Those in the public are the prey, and those in the political sector are the predators.

The US Gov now has a crypto crisis to exploit… US exchanges are going to get hammered with regulations.


I hope that any new regulations won’t hinder investors/traders, but we know from past experiences that won’t be the case

The situation has gotten worse, be ready for some heavy-handed regulation in the near future

Hundreds of Millions of Dollars Drained From FTX Overnight in ‘Unauthorized’ Transfers

Several wallets allegedly belonging to FTX were drained of hundreds of millions of dollars in coins late on Friday night, with much of the funds transferred from Tether (USDT) into stablecoin DAI, and from staked Ethereum (stETH) into Ethereum (ETH).

It was the same day that FTX filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, and it looked too soon, too late at night, and too sophisticated for the actions to be attributed to liquidators.

The exodus, all visible on blockchain tracker Etherscan, totaled around $650 million according to pseudonymous blockchain sleuth ZachXBT, widely trusted by the DeFi community.

It took until after 2 am EST for FTX US general counsel Ryne Miller to call the transfers “unauthorized” and add that FTX had begun moving assets to cold wallets to “mitigate the damage.”


Here we go.

SEC, DOJ Investigating Crypto Platform FTX

Probe focuses on potential securities-law violations by U.S. affiliate

The Securities and Exchange Commission and Justice Department are investigating cryptocurrency platform FTX following its sudden implosion this week, a person familiar with the matter said.

Staff at the two law-enforcement agencies were in close contact Wednesday, the person added. The Justice Department prosecutes criminal violations such as fraud, while the SEC enforces civil investor-protection laws.

Even before FTX’s troubles this week, pressure was growing on U.S. regulators to wrangle crypto firms into compliance with investor-protection laws. Cryptocurrencies have shed two-thirds of their value over the past year—more than $2 trillion across the market—as a series of token issuers, lending platforms and investment vehicles collapsed.

“It’s past time that the SEC brought charges against these exchanges for facilitating the trading of unregistered securities,” said Dennis Kelleher, president of Better Markets, a group that advocates for oversight of the financial sector.

Mr. Gensler has repeatedly demanded that trading platforms such as FTX register with his agency and follow the same regulations that apply to traditional stock exchanges. He and his deputies have vowed to proceed with enforcement campaigns if the firms don’t heed the call.

The SEC is also investigating Coinbase Global Inc. COIN 12.84%increase; green up pointing triangle and Binance, The Wall Street Journal has reported.

Who made you and your mob GOD?
They don’t even bother to veil their arrogance anymore.
Better situation under Mayor Rizzo. You could walk down the streets with your family and you were safe.
Or mafiosi-run Howard Beach. Things were orderly, quiet, and everyone knew where he stood. Your kids could walk to school on their own without fear of drugs or pervs. Nobody came around thieving your goods, invading your privacy, or threatening people – at least, not twice.
Now the thieves in the night have “authority.”

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No problems with weeding out fraudsters, the only issue I have is with any new regulations that target not only the bad guys, but also the small investors and small players, treating us like criminals, They can never get it right

They could easily get it right.
Their incentives are all the other way. The orders they must follow from ‘on high’ have nothing to do with protecting honest traders/dealers. FBI/DOJ and on down the line – most people never have the opportunity of learning what really goes on. If some do, they recoil and refuse to believe what they learned.
These “agencies” are the ultimate criminals; they own the system including our ostensible ‘recourse.’

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In my opinion, regulators hate retail traders, traders who trade their own money, They prefer traders trade with a firm, and I also believe that’s the way the big boys want things done.

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Too true, brother. Of course there are ‘exception selections’ but when regulators’ objectives were shifted from pursuing crime to controlling capital accumulations, then to limiting upward financial mobility of we the inconsequential little upstarts who might challenge them & theirs, then to open worldwide jackbooting of frankly foreign interests… this Fabian slow-walk of a global destruction of the average man so that a vision of a far sparser, poorer and dumber populace might be achieved came into very clear view for all of us.
[I hope that’s the longest sentence I ever wrote or ever will.]
The financial sector is only one of the many cogs in this vast machine being re-tooled for their current purpose.