Going offshore to escape the CFTC

Yeah, you’re right Clint. It’s pointless to argue.

Thanks, Clint - I didn’t know it was an insane person.

Reading his own back and forth self-talk, he is clearly falling in love with communism. We need to get Dodd-Frank abolished. And the pressure will come from other nations! Nice site with no suckass articles. ECB fights CFTC on Dodd-Frank extra-territorial overreach - CFTC Law | CFTC LAW | Forex, Futures and Derivatives Regulatory News

Ya, capital gains taxation should be drastically reduced or just abolished. Same with inheritance tax. If the GOP promises to shred the Dodd-Frank, I am all for it. Romney made a wrong comment, he said he’ll review 2000+ pages of it and keep what needs to be kept. Wrong! Dodd-Frank is 100% worthless.

Listen, we need a fresh thinker in the White House. This guy is not it!
Obama: I Pushed Dodd-Frank And Health Care Reform Because Of Christ

Christ never advocated robbery, to the best of my memory.

It always the nutcases who claim to be doing things in the name of Christ. It’s a strange world that we live in.

At least we all agree here that gambling is self destructive but so is FOREX to beginners and the majority of traders since only 10 percent are profitable.

Yes the government allows gambling but that is because we allow FOREX and stock trading to be run like gambling that is why Goldman Sachs brought down our economy because they were gambling

If we are to remove gambling we must first start in Forex and that is the purpose of the Dodd Frank bill.

Why don’t you just remove yourself from Forex?

Maybe I’m addicted to gambling there I have a lot of money trading FOREX and believe its time for the government to do something about it maybe reduce leverage to 10:1 to help new traders so they don’t fall into the trap of capitalism.

10 percent of forex traders are profiting from 90 percent and that is not fair and the dodd frank bill did not go far enough.

I doesn’t have to get that complicated. Closing your Forex accounts is a faster and easier path. :smiley:

Does anyone here that are from the u.s. still have there trading accounts with trading-point?

As far as I know, Trading Point has booted all of their former U.S. customers, and they are not allowing any U.S. residents to open new accounts. Do you know something that we don’t know?

See this post and this post.

Trading Point kicked me out of thier broker house. I am a U.S. client.

The CFTC is suing Trading Point for having U.S. clients, so they are probably being set for a possible settlement which may require them to give up all U.S. clients and promise to never take any U.S. clients again.

CFTC Sues 11 Foreign Currency Firms in Second Nationwide Sweep Against Unregistered Firms

Signed up a while back but found this thread looking for offshore broker. Glad to see there is people who are on the same page as me. Currently I am with mb trading and I do like them. I have nothing but good things to say about them. Its just i can’t trade how I want too. One of the most irritating issues is why I can’t trade spot gold/silver or any other indices’s with MT4. I have talked to Mbtrading Friday and was told they are trying to fight for us clients. Now they said if I was in the UK I could use MT4 for this type of trading. I like my MT4 and I refuse to switch to ninjatrader or TS or any other crap out there. I should be able to use one platform for anything. Plus when you use the others you have to pay data feeds. i told MBtrading that paying for data feeds should be a crime in a “so called free market.” They agreed. Plus with my current MT4 platform I am not able to set a buy limit and sell limit together. Frickin ridiculous and it makes my blood pressure sky rocket.

So i started looking and found this thread. Glad its here and let me say thanks to all those who put forth the effort making this thread what it is. One of the most valuable pieces of information within our trading community. This is more valuable than a system itself imo.

Anyway I narrowed my choices down from the list and will give my reasons why and also concerns.

FinFX - This seems like a popular one running around. From a few of the guys on this thread alone that have a reputable background is why I am considering this broker. Will run platform to check for any issues. Now concerns for me are the usual withdrawal,deposits, requotes,etc,etc. Other issue I may not take them is they have a small selection to trade from. They do offer spot gold/silver but no indicies with the MT4 platform. I can deal with that issue if they are a good broker but time will tell.

Forex metal - This broker seems good to me only issue is it is in panama. Yes I still get worried with a lot of my cash offshore. It is what it is. Other than that they pretty much offer everything I want except silver. Why not silver i don’t know but everything else I like.

XTB online trading- This broker has it all. And I mean all for MT4. The only issue I have so far doing my homework is the fact they have some negative stuff on the net. The bad thing about the net is you don’t know if it is legit comments or trolls from competitors. I am still being drawn to them for all their options to trade.

Forex FS - This is another I like. They offer a good selection of cross pairs. The only knock is they only offer spot gold and silver with no other indices’s like Fin FX. I do trust the Aussies with my cash though for some weird reason. We hsall see how this one plays out.

Investors Europe - I can’t get the MT4 platform to work yet but they seem to have everything i want to trade. Only knock is the 50 to 1 for US residents. This seems to me that time is not on our side with this broker but still may give them a shot.

Thats what I have that I like so far. Still lots of homework to do before I become a client to any of these brokers. If anyone has any good feedback from the ones I listed or missed let me know. I would appreciate it tremendously. I will be in this thread and just happy to have found it and be here. Good job ladies and gentlemen for this.

Sman’s reasoning still sucks. Leverage has nothing to with risk. You will just simply lose your balance slower that’s all. Instead of one month, it’ll take 5 months for you to blow your account.

CFTC lawsuit happy as predicted. Unless Congress puts them in its place, they will continue on its merry lawsuit happy ways. It is a nice niche… heavy fines and settlement income our so called regulatory agencies found. Nothing to do with protecting retail traders.

They’ve been busy little nazis over at the Commodity Futures Trading Gestapo.

Here is an abbreviated list of actions by the CFTG and the Federal Court against offshore brokers, so far this year.

---- [B]DATE[/B] ------------- [B]ENFORCEMENT PRESS RELEASES[/B]

03/12/2012 ----- Federal Court in Illinois Orders [B]City Credit Capital, (UK) Ltd.[/B] to Pay $140,000 Civil Monetary Penalty for Acting as Unregistered Retail Forex Dealer, 6202-12

03/07/2012 ----- Federal Court in Illinois Orders [B]Windsor Brokers, Ltd. of Cyprus[/B] to Pay $140,000 Civil Monetary Penalty, Cease Soliciting U.S. Customers, and Modify Website, 6196-12

02/29/2012 ----- Federal Court in Illinois Orders [B]Australian Firm Enfinium Pty Ltd[/B] to Pay $80,000 Penalty, Cease Soliciting U.S. Customers, and Modify Website, 6194-12

02/09/2012 ----- CFTC Obtains Permanent Injunction against [B]British Virgin Island Firm InterForex, Inc.[/B] for Acting as an Unregistered Retail Forex Dealer; Firm Ordered to Modify Website, 6177-12

01/05/2012 ----- Illinois Federal Court Imposes $140,000 Civil Monetary Penalty on Foreign Currency Firm, [B]FXOpen Investments Inc.,[/B] for Acting as an Unregistered Retail Foreign Exchange Dealer, 6164-12

Here’s the full list — Enforcement Press Releases - CFTC

You have your opinion, I have mine. Mine is pretty simple. I’m a big boy now, I wear big boy pants. I’m even potty-trained. If I lose my money, IT’S MY MONEY. I will learn from my mistakes, save some more money and try again, and not make the same mistakes once more. It’s called life, sman.
The Dodd-Frank bill you’re so approving of was written/sponsored by two criminals that belong in prison, not Congress. That’s why it exempts people with accounts larger than 10m bucks. Can’t ding your friends now, can you?
What I want my Government to do for me is: LEAVE ME ALONE. I’ll take care of myself thank you.