Going offshore to escape the CFTC

I’ve been amazed for as long as I can remember that anyone who could use CTrader (I know that not everyone can use CT) or Tradingview would possibly voluntarily choose to use Metatrader instead.

It’s just never made any sense to me at all - and probably never will.

There was an article published some years back that published some of the stats from MetaTrader. Licensing fees and money made from marketplace, etc. I’ll see if I can find it…

There’s a good portion of that marketplace that is nothing but snake oil algo’s. Arbitrage, positive swap’s, etc. Devs that disappear after making false promises. The article had mentioned MetaTrader wanted to change that perception with the release of MT5.

Not certain if that was ever achieved.


-The biggest reasons are lack of availability and because people tend to get comfortable with what works and do not usually seek to change things if they do not have to, so most traders are either not aware of the benefits, or, they do not care.


CTrader has been banned in the US and Tradingview integration is relatively new and largely not ready for prime time. It’s ok, but not a robust trading platform either.


-Forgot about that one. Sigh…

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-I’m not sure how they intended for that to happen.

Yeah no kidding, bit of a head scratcher tbh.


Oh you don’t know how much of a mess it has already created for me, Making me insane right now, I need 5 more yrs of MT4 and I would be finished with Trading. That’s the plan.

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Do you not have the source code for your indicator?

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They are no longer In business.

Website www.renesource.com

Ownership Status- Out of Business

I have found some info on How to Convert MT4 Indicators to MT5

Convert MT4 Indicators to MT5

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This was fro 2018 about MT4 licenses going the way of the dodo.

Key quote:

Now, three years later, the developer decided to discontinue the sales of this software and has stopped selling MetaTrader 4 platform licenses to new customers, including additional servers to existing clients. However, MetaTrader 4 brokers will be able to order additional White Label terminals and receive comprehensive technical support. MetaQuotes will also keep releasing security updates and bug fixes for the said platform.

This is from 2 years ago. But MT5 was released in 2010!

I imagine MetaQuotes is still generating significant licensing revenue.


-From the website:


In the most of cases, you may get some errors when compiling, the link below has some important documentation to help you fix the errors. If you don’t have any experience coding and you are stuck just contact an MT4 & MT5 developer.

I also expect that this will be the result in most cases. But if not, then it could prove very useful. Thank you for sharing this. I may try it out since I am always tinkering.

It seems like a major oversight for the developer to not include some kind of automatic conversion utility within Metatrader 5. Although, if they are generating revenue from various EA’s and indicators that people purchase, then I suppose that forcing more products to be made will only benefit them further. This seems like a common practice among businesses these days.

My hope is that as we evolve as a species, more people will begin to make conscious choices that give preference to businesses that foster well-being.

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I remember seeing some of these converters in the past and have had no luck. Plus some wanted me to download nefarious executables loaded with malware/virus.


Agreed. (Edit: watch out for malware)

My best advice would be to rewrite the indicator for whatever new language is chosen.
Not a good idea to run unknown code from untrusted source.
I would want to make sure the new version of the indicator did exactly the same thing the old one did.
That’s also going to require running it in parallel.

And keep it simple.
If you do use a tool to convert the code, you at least need to validate that the new code generated makes sense.
Some people use ChatGPT as a starting point and clean up code from there.
I have never used ChatGPT myself. As an old Unix man, I only trust vi!
Key point, make sure you understand what your code is doing. It sounds like you have 6 months.

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James, you’re just a fountain of bad news :rofl: Just kidding.

Losing Renesource Capital is no great loss. I’m not aware of anyone here who ever traded with them.

Apparently, they got into some trouble with European regulators last year, and we weren’t even aware of it. — I will edit the List (when I get a Round Tuit).

For anyone who’s interested, here’s some info on Renesource from a December 2022 blog:

Our List continues to dwindle.

Before we have NO offshore brokers left, should we do some serious looking for replacements?

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There is a serious need for us to get more brokers on our list, but most of our main guys have moved on to prop trading and other markets, so how do we vet and add new brokers?


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Bro, this is not the countdown to destruction. Six months is just for ProsperityFX so far. It sounds like Whitelabel MT4 could linger longer. You might be able to make it the 5 years you need by just using different brokers.
Personally, I would be working on migrating that indicator anyway if its mission critical.
I don’t mind answering programming questions if you get stuck.

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I’m working on it.

Thank you. :+1:

BTW I have 8 Indicators I have to Convert / Migrate to MT5