Going offshore to escape the CFTC

-If you read the posts here within the last two weeks, you will have your answer.


-It is strange, indeed. Even if they felt unsure about using MT4 going forward, one would think that MT5 would be considered over these other platforms.

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and switched to tick trader. :grimacing: couldnt withdraw for a week

you may be correct. I read about the license on another

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They been saying that for years and yet are still pushing updates. Latest one was November 9th, 2023.

Yes you read that right.

Back on the 9th of this month…they pushed an update for MT4.

MetaTrader 4 platform update build 1400: Improved Market security - MetaTrader 5 - MQL4 and MetaTrader 4 - MQL4 programming forum (mql5.com)

Reports of MT4’s death have been greatly exaggerated.


Yes, strange they are moving away from Metatrader entirely, maybe the new business terms aren’t appealing to brokers

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-Who knows…

Dropping MT4, with no other alternatives in place other than maybe a web-based trader, seems extremely risky as a broker. It is very difficult to imagine how they could make such a decision unless they were being forced to do so.

Maybe they didn’t have a valid license and were caught/threatened? Is that even possible?

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The List has been updated:

Details have been filled in for our newest broker Forex Chief.

CedarFX has been removed from Group 1.

The List has been cleaned up — most of the red flags () have been removed.


This is the reason I always open up accounts with brokers that currently allow us to trade regardless if I currently want to use them or not to hopefully grandfather me in well into the future in case our options continue to worsen in the coming months …years …

Really good idea! Thanks.

I’m just trying to figure out why brokers are leaving Metatrader

Metatrader may be on the regulators’ radar, Remember ctrader was banned in the US

Back in 2017 ctrader post this on their forum

Jun 23, 2017 · Best Regards, cTrader Team. This isn’t about US brokers. This is about Non-US brokers that allow US citizens to use their brokerage, but won’t allow them to use cTrader.

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Things are becoming beyond ridiculous. When regulators targeted payment processors/gateways, that was one thing, since an argument could be made that these businesses were facilitating brokerages in their activity, by providing payments directly to/from US citizens.

But to target software developers is little different than going after Ford motor company because some of their vehicles are unknowingly being used to haul drugs across the border. It’s completely insane. People need to wake up and demand that these overreaching groups be reined in.

There needs to be more oversight and accountability, preferably by groups that do not have some agenda and cannot be swayed by lobbyists. I am sure that nobody like that would be appointed to any meaningful position. This is by design.

We, the people of the Divided States of America, demand that our voices be heard!

What was that…? Do you have proof of residence, sir? Have you paid your taxes? Let me see some I.D.!


So, it looks like the following brokers are no longer offering Metatrader at all:

Hugos Way
Osprey FX
Sway Markets

I heard a rumor, but I cannot verify whether or not there is any truth to it. If the rumor is true, then it would be very disappointing… something about FX gurus on social media having some affiliations or ownership involvement and going at each other, making reports to metaquotes, which resulted in several brokers losing their license.

Again, this is just a rumor that I heard and it could be totally false. I also do not know which, if any, of the brokers listed above, are associated in any way with this rumor.


Damn shame, I rather for your rumor to be true then to have regulators clamp down on software developers, however if it is the regulators they are going out of their way to stop us from trading with offshore brokers. Also, there may be a lobbying effort by the financial industry behind this.

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-It was my understanding that CTrader offerings to US citizens were ceasing due to noncompliance issues. I can only assume that this was the result of US regulatory involvement. I could be wrong.

But, yes, I agree totally. Fortunately, metatrader is still going strong with most brokers.

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I opened 3 tickets to ask 3 questions.

The first was about enabling bank wire deposits, which the person I had originally chatted with on Telegram had said I could do (and I had said I was a U.S. resident). Now they tell me only crypto deposits are available from my “region”.

I asked 2 other questions about accounts in general. I had specific questions after consulting the relevant pages on their website. The agents referred me to the web pages I had already looked at, which did not answer my questions.

One had to do with leverage limits. I discovered that they have lower leverage limits as the account value increases. I have not seen this with any other broker.


(I am considered a new user, so I cannot post a clickable link.)

I asked whether the leverage limit was based on the value of each individual trading account or on the total equity of all my accounts with Forex Chief. They referred me back to the same web page, which doesn’t make it clear (not to me anyway).

In both cases I have sent replies telling them I had already consulted the web pages they referred to.

Unfortunately, it is not unusual to have difficulty getting answers to questions from forex broker reps, in my experience, so I’m not giving up on them yet. Will send a crypto deposit and see how it goes.


As a US citizen, crypto deposits/withdrawals are standard.

Leverage limits are also standard. As your account size grows, the allowable leverage may be reduced. Different brokers have different limits. Regarding equity vs. balance, this broker appears to use equity.

In terms of applicable equity, if it were me, I would assume that these limits would apply to overall equity, across all accounts, else traders could simply circumvent this cap by opening multiple accounts and using a trade copier, and their LP’s would probably not like that.


For my coinexx account: For two days my orders were mostly filled at 0.3-0.6 lower than bid or higher ask. Some were filled at a price more than day high for nearly one hour when market was slow, that means from the time the order was filled till one hour later, ask price never reach my fill price.

Chat transcript:

Name: XX

Question: bad fills on my account

Jodye Lewis (Tue, 11/28/2023, 10:55:39 pm Asia/Singapore)
Hello XX

XX(Tue, 11/28/2023, 10:55:46 pm)

Jodye Lewis (Tue, 11/28/2023, 10:55:48 pm)
Thank you for chatting with Coinexx, I hope you’re doing well today. My name is Jodye and I’ll be assisting you today.
XX (Tue, 11/28/2023, 10:56:02 pm)
I got many bad fills

Jodye Lewis (Tue, 11/28/2023, 10:56:14 pm)
Thank you for getting in touch about this concern. It really helps us to know these things so we can correct them as quickly as possible.
XX (Tue, 11/28/2023, 10:56:21 pm)
My account:XXX
XX (Tue, 11/28/2023, 10:57:19 pm)
since yesterday I had many bad fills, my orders were sell at below bid and buy at higher than ask

XX (Tue, 11/28/2023, 10:58:04 pm)
this morning I had an order filled at 4554.1`, while ask was 4548.8

Jodye Lewis (Tue, 11/28/2023, 10:58:17 pm)
Can you please send a screenshot of the concern?
XX (Tue, 11/28/2023, 11:00:02 pm)

XX (Tue, 11/28/2023, 11:00:40 pm)
please look at my history, 2 lots filled at 4548.8, and 2 filled at 4554.1

XX (Tue, 11/28/2023, 11:01:06 pm)
those were filled at the same time, at huge different prices

Jodye Lewis (Tue, 11/28/2023, 11:01:07 pm)
Thank you for providing the screenshots Wang.

Jodye Lewis (Tue, 11/28/2023, 11:01:09 pm)
For security purposes, we will be sending you an OTP at your registered email address in order to have access to your account. Once received, kindly share it with me.

XX (Tue, 11/28/2023, 11:01:49 pm)

Jodye Lewis (Tue, 11/28/2023, 11:03:06 pm)
Thank you for sharing the OTP.

Jodye Lewis (Tue, 11/28/2023, 11:03:47 pm)
We completely understand your concern please note that I’ll be creating a ticket and raise it to our back end team.

Jodye Lewis (Tue, 11/28/2023, 11:04:19 pm)
Please allow me to put the chat on hold for 1-3 mins while i create a ticket.

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This is their final answer:

Dear XX,

After investigating the recent issues you encountered while trading, we have determined that the problem is related to market fluctuations.

These factors cause constant fluctuations in currency values, creating both opportunities and challenges for traders. We want to clarify that Coinexx does not have any control over these market movements.

Market fluctuations are influenced by the opening and closing of financial centers worldwide. Different trading sessions experience varying levels of liquidity and activity. Additionally, liquidity providers, such as banks and financial institutions, play a significant role in facilitating forex trading by offering bid and ask prices and ensuring liquidity. However, during periods of high volatility or important economic events, liquidity providers may adjust pricing and reduce available liquidity, affecting spreads and potentially causing slippage.

Our platform connects you to reliable liquidity providers, ensuring competitive pricing and timely trade executions. While we strive for a seamless trading experience, it’s essential to recognize that market fluctuations and liquidity conditions are beyond Coinexx’s control.

To enhance your trading experience, stay informed about global economic events, news releases, and geopolitical developments that can impact currency markets.

If you experience technical difficulties or have questions about our platform, please contact our 24/7 customer support team.

Thank you for choosing Coinexx for your forex trading needs. We appreciate your understanding of market fluctuations and liquidity conditions. Rest assured, we will continue refining our services to support your success in the dynamic forex market.

Best Regards,

Coinexx Team

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What do you think of their answer? Do you agree

When market fluctuates, ask price also fluctuates,if ask price didn’t go up, market didn’t go up, and if market didn’t go up,no way my fill would be so high.
Look at chart in my srceenshot, the price did not reach 4554.The high of the current price bar was 4548.4( in data window).