Going offshore to escape the CFTC

Use the scroll-tool on the left side of this page. Click on the label that says “Sept 2010”. This will take you to post #1 where the List begins.

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-If I managed a brokerage, I would try my best to ensure that metatrader was being offered, even if just MT5, simply because I know that it would set me apart from my competitors, especially with the droves of brokers that are mysteriously dropping their meta offerings.

There are just too many fx traders that rely on metatrader for conducting their business, and trying to learn a new platform that may or may not support all of the tools that they require is simply not something that many traders would likely be very keen on doing.

As discussed before, I welcome something better. But, if I am not forced to use something else, then I would probably not switch since what I am using is working just fine for me and learning something new does not sound appealing. There would need to be a big motivating factor that the new platform could offer that I cannot get with MT5, and based on my trading needs, it is difficult to think of anything that could pique my interest enough.

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Heads up, CedarFX withdrawals are now taking longer, 24 hours. Hugosway, which uses the same service as Cedarfx, has customers flooding forums complaining about withdrawal issues.


Can the regulators go after platform providers that allow U.S. traders to use their platforms via offshore brokers?

I’m surprised to not see anyone post about this. I would imagine there are still some people here using FxChoice that have been for a long time. Just received this email yesterday. Caught me off guard and trying to figure out what my next course of action is and what is going to happen with FxChoice in the future.

" We have to share an important update with you regarding your trading accounts. Read on for recommended next steps and sign back in on **** to view your available options.

What is changing:

  • Unfortunately, crypto withdrawals will soon become unavailable. Exchanging crypto for traditional currencies and vice versa is also going away.
    If you have funds in crypto accounts/wallets at FXChoice, please withdraw them before 26 December.
    You can sign in to ***, check the balance on all your Live accounts and Wallets, and go to Withdrawal to claim your funds.
  • Starting 12 December, we will not be accepting any new deposits, in crypto or traditional currencies.
  • Starting 19 December, all trading accounts will be in close-only mode. You will be able to close old trades but not open new ones.

We sincerely apologise to all of our clients for the inconvenience these restrictions will cause. We have received a decision from FSC, our regulator and the issuer of our license, which bars us from accepting deposits or issuing withdrawals in cryptos starting next year. We are therefore taking this time to reassess our offering. In the meantime, it is our priority to make this transition as smooth as possible for our clients."


Thanks for the Info. In 2024, things will look different, there’s no doubt about it

FXChoice has the announcement under “News” on their website for anyone that didn’t get the email.

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Some of these offshore brokers are also getting regulated by the Australian Securities & Investment Commission (ASIC). Weird how things are changing.

-So they are completely shutting down from this.

-Such BS.

This is what ‘regulation’ gets you… restrictions, not protections. Regulation is good money, it seems.

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-They can surely make things difficult, costly and inconvenient to the point that such businesses make the decision themselves to drop US clients. It is my understanding that CTrader no longer allows US citizens to use their platform. I suspect that regulation had something to do with it.

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Upon signing into my backoffice and trying to download MT5 from their link, it would not let me do so, so I contacted chat, and this is what they said.

That is not possible, MetaTrader is no longer available on FxSway.

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In addition, we need to be cautious with some of the anti-offshore broker posters in this thread. I have a feeling they have contacted regulators repeatedly, so we may not want to give them any more ammunition.

Reading everything that has been going on, looks like acttrader is the only platform we can rely on. ctrader is gone. meta is out, looks like.

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Are you talking about https://www.acttrader.com

yes, have you tried the platform? it’s really good on the web, better UI than the old school MT4.

You know of any offshore brokers that use it?

Finally, a conversation that needs to happen, what’s next if not mt4?
Acttrader, i’ve heard the name around but haven’t tried, can you share your experience?

I am trading on acttrader, execution is good. You can login all your trading accounts under a single login, best feature tbh. Don’t have to login and logout again and again. and also, another feature I like, you can create different workspaces according to your preference, the platform is total customizable, however you prefer. Makes it easier for me to keep everything aligned.

Trolls might be attacking this threat

-There are still plenty of brokers that offer metatrader. As discussed, the recent changes are only applicable to a select few. I suspect that this is an isolated case, involving a handful of brokerages, and has nothing to do with the recent notice regarding end of support for MT4.

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