Going offshore to escape the CFTC

Thanks for the correction. I have edited my post (above).


-I couldn’t find this information anywhere. From what I can tell, they use a web-based trading platform. Unfortunately, I cannot register to check, as I am getting timed-out.

Looks like EA’s are not allowed with their platform. I wonder if it’s something like trade locker.

Thanks for sharing @SmallPaul.

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I’m getting the same thing - Connection timed out

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On their home page, scroll down to:


All three of these review sites list MT5 as CryptoAltum’s platform.

I have no idea why CryptoAltum does not mention their platform on their own website.
Definitely a question to raise with support.


-I wonder if this is another case of a broker dropping MT5 and switching to something else.

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Tried all of them except whatsapp and keep getting the same message

All our agents are currently busy, please provide us with your email address and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

It shouldn’t be this hard to contact them or open an account with them, I’m moving on, if you guys are able to contact them or open an account with them, please post an update.

Some recent chatter on X/Twitter about Metaquotes…



Doesn’t it just make your blood boil?


Not surprised anymore actually.


MetaTrader offshore brokers are likely to stop accepting US traders soon, why change platforms and risk losing your international clients?

If you are willing to adopt another platform, the end is not here

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If this happens, I will be completely pulling out of offshore for at least 4-6 months to see how the dust settles. I dropped crosses/exotics from my system years ago so it would be an easy transition to currency futures… if the CFTC has their way, futures may be the only high leverage option left for US traders.

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-Yes, one would hope that they would be willing to add a new platform on top of Meta so that they can continue offering services without limitations.

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Anyone having difficulty accessing this site

Update: Coinexx can reply after 2 weeks with the same bull answer that they is no ask price on chart. They must still not know what spread is.

Anyway they didn’t even give me the excuse they gave @Spreculator about liquidity provider

Anyway coinexx is dead to me. Be warned!

No trouble here.

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Sorry to hear that.

I spoke with a support agent from Fyntura the other day, asking about MT5 availability, and it was like pulling teeth to get a reasonable response. She just kept giving me canned responses that didn’t answer my question. I had to ask the question about 5 different ways.

Sometimes, you have to ask for someone else (or a supervisor) to address the issue in order to get any meaningful response.

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if their automated analysis flags you as arbitraging from a faster price feed, yes they will impose an execution time penalty, but then so will every retail broker, including Oanda etc. in fact US-based brokers like Oanda have been among the worst offenders for this.

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It’s not the case. As I said I just trade once, twice, three times a day, low lots (0.5, 1, 2, etc.). Trades stay running for hours, if not overnight. And I initiate most of the trades just clicking in bid or ask. I have no idea how’s the feed in other houses.

Even if I’m lucky enough to get 0.2 or 0.3 pips better today, the day after I would be worse, statistically beak even for the month.
And certainly would not become rich doing that once a day in this kind of volume.

No, there was something else there. They say it was a LP problem. Who knows ? The problem was fixed, anyway. Never experienced any unusual slippage any longer.

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Hi guys

I want to say thank you to everyone in here who has been active in this thread, you all have provided a resource for people like me. I have been following this thread for a very long time but have never made an account until now. This is my first post on this site.

I know the general consensus when it comes to brand new accounts is that they’re trying to promote a shady brokerage. But that’s not why I’m here.

So right now I’m stuck. ForexChief looks like they have really reliable reviews but the spreads are so wide.

I made an account with LQDFX and it’s some of the tightest spreads I’ve ever seen. The spreads are attractive but I’ve came across some extremely worrisome reviews online… like folks not being able to withdraw their money and them having to jump through hoops to get what’s theirs.

I’ve seen some posters on here attesting to LQDFX’s reliability… I know in this day and age, there’s always a risk involved when depositing money with an offshore brokerage.

But can you guys truly vouch for LQDFX? No problems in your experience with them?

More bad news for US traders… I saw this on Funded Engineer discord.