Going offshore to escape the CFTC

That was quick

Robbins trading or Striker Securities offers independent managed futures accounts.

DC NQ2 is about the only one I would put money into, but there are a few others with some history, but a higher capital requirement. I believe Robbins runs the trades through Straits Financial, and Stryker goes through StoneX.

As far as US Futures brokers that allow copy trading of other traders, I have come up short on that end, as well as consistent futures traders.

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Just 2 days back there was so much noise here about this broker! Its so tough to find good forex brokers now!

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Kind of a personal question hereā€¦ but how much money do you all keep with a broker? Iā€™d like to spread my money around, but am curious how much is ā€œtoo muchā€ to keep in an account with one of these brokers. Sorry if this question is dumb or has been asked before.


Currently have around $7k in Sway markets

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Not bad, I like to spread my money around and try not to keep over 100k in one broker, anything I make over that I withdraw, daily and weekly. hope that helps

So $7k with Sway is no big deal basically?

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I honestly donā€™t know who else Iā€™d go with

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Canā€™t wait for the day when I can say anything near $100k lol

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Your journey has begun

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Good question, I have my money spread across 2-3 brokers. But I trust one of them more, and I have little above $150k there.

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A lot of my community is moving over to Prop trading and Copy trading, considering the risks with the offshore brokers these days. This is very confusing, as I love trading myself as well. So I still have an offshore account, in addition to a Copyrack account.

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So Copyrack is a hot/trusted broker?

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All these prop firms scare me currently too

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-This will be totally subjective. The amount that someone feels comfortable with may vary widely from person-to-person. Same with brokers; everyone has their own experiences and opinions about things.

I think that this will depend on the amount of capital that you have to work with.

If you are working with six figures or more already and spreading out your capital across multiple brokerages etc., then I personally believe that you are better off just getting temporary residency (or citizenship) somewhere and securing accounts with offshore, regulated brokerages that offer better protection and conditions etcā€¦

Futures is an option, too, but there may be more limitations in terms of volume and liquidity etcā€¦


I get where youā€™re coming from 100% thatā€™s why I figure with just a $7k account Im safe with one broker for now

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Is it hard to get a temp residency?

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-Totally up to you. Some people may feel that that 7k is a lot for them, and would want to spread it out. It all depends on the person and their circumstances etcā€¦

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-Depends on where you go. Just like visas, there are different costs and requirements depending on the country and the type of visa that you are applying for. Google is your friend here.

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And my reason behind getting a temp residency is so I can apply for brokers that donā€™t allow US citizens correct?

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