Going offshore to escape the CFTC

@21club i am not even a spammer. I am a u.s. citizen who as an account with them and i decided to help others who want an offshore account. the brokers i would recommend are tradersway, fxchoice, and fxvv as well. the company is not a fraud because i made a deposit through western union to a completely differnt country in the account manager’s name. plus he could have easily ran away with my money. there would have been nothing i could have done about it but instead he made a deposit to my fxvv account. so how is this a fraud? as proof i can upload the western union receipt of the deposit i made last month. they also paid me my forex profits when i decided to withdraw money so you say i am a spammer? ok proove it then, and i can show you guys how to make real money in forex. iv’e had so many offshore accounts and have never been prosecuted by uncle sam or fbi because they could care less. besides im not the only u.s. trader who has an account with fxvv. anybody who wants to make real money let me know i can tell you which way the usd/jpy and eur/usd is going to go on an intraday basis. a 90% chance on usd/jpy and 100% on eur/usd since i only trade those two. thanks and to all who need the help im still here.

I just heard about this broker on another thread that accepts US clients:

Pax Forex Account Types
Pax Forex Spreads

From my chat:
Registered and headquartered in British Virgin Islands. Company complies with all regulatory requirements. Main offices in Moscow and London. We provide services to institutional clients for more than one year. We are partly a market maker and STP broker at the same time. When I asked if they are are NOT a Dealing Desk he said NO…so I assume this means YES they are a Dealing Desk.

That would be [B]PaxForex,[/B] not Pay Forex.

[B]PaxForex is already included in our List of Offshore Brokers.[/B]

See post #2 on this thread, and scroll down to the section titled “Central America / Caribbean”.

Sorry Clint, should have checked first. Fixed Pay --> Pax
Feel free to delete my post if you’d like.

Okay, moneygang1, tell me, how can I make some real money trading the USD/JPY and EUR/USD? What precisely is your intraday strategy? If you have been able to double your money every month for the past 2 years, you should have earned 16 million dollars by now starting with one dollar, before taxes and tithes.

One basically very reliable strategy I like is simply trading in the direction of a definite break out (big 18+ pip spike on the 5 minute chart) from a narrow trading range with a major currency pair or with gold or the Dow Jones futures, using the 5 minute charts, anytime between 1:00 AM to 2:00 PM U.S. central time. If a person can discipline himself to do that consistently without entering other very tempting, but sometimes bad trades, and that is a huge, huge IF, he should be able to make at least 50% profit on his money each month, it seems. Now I just gave you a specific strategy, which is actually a common, well known strategy, [B]so now it is your turn to give me a very reliable strategy[/B].

There’s no need for that.

Besides, I couldn’t delete your post if I wanted to — only Moderators can delete another person’s post.

If some diabolical Moderator decided to delete every post that contained an error, there wouldn’t be any posts left on this forum.

I appreciate your interest in this thread, and your willingness to share what you come across. Keep your eyes open, and let us know what you find out there.

I hope you guys are going to talk about [B]good offshore forex brokers who welcome U.S. clients.[/B]

On the other hand, if you want to talk about trading strategies, maybe Show me the money! [Daytrading] would be a better place for your conversation.

sorry clint my bad it’s just that 21club got on my nerves. yes the offshore brokers that i would recommend are fxchoice, fxvv, and tradersway. oh i forgot about finfx as well. if there are anymore out there i have not heard of them. i will be posting in the show me the money thread about my strategy. thanks to all who need help about fxvv i can elaborate more on them than any other broker.

I would advise anyone using this method, of going offshore to escape US government regulations, to consult an attorney who has an expertise in the finance industry.

I have contacted my broker, and they said it was illegal, and they can not comment on doing this, because its against law.

what is your problem why are you soooo negative there some people here that worked very hard for us the traders and found some good brokers. So back to the point please take your opinion some place else

Sman1109, your “broker” is obviously working in a highly biased US based brokerage company, probably almost [I][/I][B]scared to death [/B](to protect his job) to point out any loopholes in the not thoroughly thought through, hastily passed Dodd-Frank law. Also, if you are over 16 years old you should know quite well by now that some people can and do deliberately lie sometimes.The fact that he refuses to comment on it any further is almost “iron clad” proof that he has absolutely no proof at all that use of high leverage forex brokers by US traders is supposedly illegal. He cannot provide a quotation, and so far you have not been able to provide a quotation either from a legal notice or document about this claimed illegality. So each future comment similar to your last one is making you look more and more uninformed. Maybe you are jealous of the extra money some of us offshore traders are making with high leverage.

If you want to do some real good, you need to concentrate your time and energy on lobbying against domestic lotteries where the obscenely high leverage of millions to one is not in favor of the gambler, but [I][/I][B]against[/B] him. For that we will or should praise you.

You might recall my previous post on the broker called [B]YouTradeFX.[/B]

That broker operates under slightly different names in at least 3 different locations — U.K., Australia and Mauritius. Apparently, YouTradeFX refers to this as “operating a multilateral trading facility”.

The point of my previous post was that all three YouTradeFX brokers [B]appear[/B] to welcome U.S. clients, but the fine print on their websites [B]says otherwise.[/B]

You might recall that [B]I did not attempt to open a live account[/B] with any of the YouTradeFX brokers, and [B]I did not submit any personal information[/B] to any of them.

[B]So, you can imagine my surprise when I got the following email from YouTradeFX (UK):[/B]

Dear Sir/Madam

This is James from YouTrade in London. I hope you are well.

You still have a trading account open with us which is currently active. I ask what you intend to do with this account?

If you intend to trade on the account any time soon then you are eligible for a 25% trading credit (proportionate to deposits of 1,000 – 10,000) to be added to your account this month.

We also provide educational & tutorial material to assist our customers’ trading strategies.

Please let me know if any assistance is needed

Best regards,

James Hedayati | Sales
Youtrade Capital Markets Limited
Tel: +44 203 475 4422 Ext: 1715
Fax: +44 (208) 0432351
<[email protected]>

CFDs and FX are leveraged products that carry a high level of risk to your capital, with the possibility of losing significantly more than your initial investment. They are not suitable for everyone. Ensure you fully understand the risks and seek independent advice if necessary.
Youtrade Capital Markets Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority (firm regulation number 548033) and is registered in England and Wales (number 07448652) our registered address is New Broad Street House, 35 New Broad Street House, London. EC2M 1NH. Youtrade Capital Markets Limited operates a multilateral trading facility.
The information in this email and any attachment is confidential and is intended only for the named recipient(s). The email may not be disclosed or used by any person other than the addressee, nor may it be copied in any way. If you are not the intended recipient please notify the sender immediately and delete any copies of this message. Any unauthorised copying, disclosure or distribution of the material in this e-mail is strictly forbidden.

[B]Some comments:[/B]

[B]“Dear Sir/Madam” —[/B] I’m amused by the fact that this broker claims that I have an active, live account with them, but they don’t even know my name.

[B]“You still have a trading account open with us” —[/B] How is that possible, if I have not applied for an account, and if you refuse to open accounts for U.S. residents?

[B]"…copying…this email is strictly forbidden" —[/B] Yeah, right. Don’t tell me what I can and can’t do with unsolicited junk email that you send to me. Your silly email is now on the internet. And any further emails from you will end up here, as well.

Understood but these regulation boards in random places generally are toothless cows with too little powers to enforce violations should any occur. I’d still be cautious with such firms. It one’s thing to have a calculated risk and another to have reckless ones.

Please don’t underestimate the regulation agencies, yes they may appear they don’t have teeth, but until you have been bitten, you really would never know would you?

I wouldn’t test the American government, on a theory, they obviously don’t want us using offshore brokers, and if you think you can get away with it now, its unlikely that you will be able to in the future.

What I want to point out here, is that you guys are dreaming, that these leverage limits will go away, because if you become adapted to the past, as this perpetuates, it will be that much harder to follow the law if or when it becomes clearer than it is now.

Let’s say you’re profiting at FINFX, for example, eventually it is going to come to an end. So its best you learn to trade with 10 to 1 leverage now, before you’re forced to later on, when you find out this is indeed illegal.

Sman1109, betcha $300 that 500 to 1 leverage with many offshore brokers will still be available prosecution free 10 years from now to US traders.

High leverage forex, metals, and stock indexes trading is a growing, booming industry that cannot be stopped.

So true. The sheeple blindly follow, but fx traders are not the usual blind followers. I think we represent what made so many countries great… the desire for free trading and enterprise, and freedom from oppressive and corrupt politics.

Has anyone figured out the contents of the eBook, offshore leverage? Supposedly it tells how to open an acct with any broker even if you are from Dodd/Obamaland. If it is worth it, I would buy it, but I don’t know of anyone who has anything good to say about it.


I have recently joined this forum and find this discussion interesting but also, pisses me off. I went CFTC website and I urge everyone to do so and give them a piece of your mind how all these new regulations are hurting American Businesses. It seems our Government will not be happy until they kill all business in America. We use to be the worlds leading in manufacturing but thanks to regulators and unions to a degree we are now a consuming nation.

I tole CFTC I was going off shore to do my business and they can’t stop me.

If this becomes a problem we should contact of Congress person and urge them to change these rules in favor of American Business and the consumer, all this is just about control has nothing to do with caring about the consumer!!!

Well, duhh!! Join the (pissed off) crowd. I don’t know that telling the CFTC what you are thinking about their destructive activities will make a difference as bureaucrats typically don’t care about the damage they inflict on people who hold a real job. Judgement day is coming next Tuesday. Do your part. Remember the name of the bill that caused a lot of this trouble, Dodd–Frank, both Democrats, signed into law by Oh-bummer. Pay attention to your ballot, make a difference in senate and house races and in local state races too. Glad you care, hopefully you can help with spreading it around. :slight_smile:

P.S. How relevant, from today’s babypips newsletter: Dodd Frank Makes Non-U.S. Banks Reconsider Swap Trading With US Firms | Forex Blog: Espipionage

You can bet your last dollar I will vote against this administration, not saying a lot of the Republicans are any better. In my opinion they are most all scum.

I wrote John Cornyn, my Senator and gave him some of my mind also. I asked for him to have some one look into this and change these rules to be more business and consumer friendly.

He’s probably laughing at me but his reelection come up next year.

Sadly, I agree. Not holding my breath with expectations of how great Romni-Ryan administration will be. Will vote for them simply because I cannot think of a more effective way to get rid of Oh-bummer and his clan.
Thank you for writing your Senator.