Good morning, good afternoon or good evening

Hello Babypips peeps,

I have been a member on here for a while but told myself that I will not introduce myself until I had graduated the ‘School of Pipology!’. Alas, today is the day, I have doned my cap and gown (comfy pants and strange hat with flappy ear type things), recieved my certificate (more note books than I can count with all the juicy stuff from ‘school’) and poped the champagne caulk (made a cup of tea).

I’m looking forward to getting to know a lot of you throughout the forum. God only knows it will be nice to talk to someone as interested in this as I am, rather than getting a blank stair and the occasional “aah” from the missus. More than that, I’m looking forward to learning off a lot of you here as even though I have a grounded knowladge of the markets and so on, there is always way much more to learn.

Please come say hello and if you have any other questions you would like to ask, please feel free to do so.

In the mean time, god bless you all, take it easy and happy hunting.
