my name is Henk 52 . My wife got introduced to the forex market via a Brother-In-law. being the supportive husband I am i decided to educate myself on the matter. Difficult stuff but interesting. Our plan as a family is to have more money to spend. Also more free time to enjoy
Fase one of that is in the works. Selling the house and moving to a cheaper place
fase two is increasing income. FX wiill provide some of that eventually
fase three is me working parti time instead of full time . Can do that after fase one is complete maybe. but for sure if a sustainable income increase happens
Got a 100,000 USD demo account and blew all of it within two weeks. Learning the hard way that not cutting your losses, not setting a S/L a trading big lot sizes is a recipe for disaster.
Got a 5000 USD demo acount last week doing WAY better
Need to study more and get a grasp of the material/market before going LIVE. My wife Michelle is further a long and hopes to get funded by the apiaryfund soon.