
Good day fellow humanoids,
It is with great pleasure that I announce my registration to the babypips site. So far I have found these forums to be most informative. Personally I believe that everybody is learning at every moment in their existence, and as soon as you start to think you know everything - the mat gets pulled sharply from under your feet and upon your butt you shall land. I prefer listening to speaking, so it will probably take me a year or three to get a decent number of posts up here. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to introduce myself. I wish you all the very best!

Happy Trading! :cool:

Hi mate how long have you been trading for? I live in Sydney but work in WA where about’s are you located? I am only just developing my strategy but if you want to bounce ideas off each other then drop me a line.
Happy pip collecting

Hi ShredFX

I concur with you about learning and trading is no different. It is important to understand that the real learning in trading is understanding yourself. Learn what you need to in order to trade and then start trading because that is when the real learning starts!

All the best!!