Has your trading ever affected your health?

That’s a good point! :smiley: Haha. I completely forgot about the eyesight. :blush: I agree. I actually tried using those glasses to protect you from the radiation of the laptop and the blue light that supposedly harms your eyes, but somehow, I never got comfortable. :sweat_smile:

Ooooh! :blush: Good for you then! :smiley: That’s definitely a great way to ensure tha you’re in good shape to trade and get that win. :smiley: Haha.

Oh no. :(( Well, that’s something I can relate to. :sweat: It also affects your eating pattern, and even interactions with people so it’s definitely something that needs to be prioritized. :frowning:

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I admire how you always seem to be very cool-headed and calm! :blush: Haha. :smiley: Do you have any tips to share? :slight_smile: Any trading secrets to prevent stress and anxiety? :blush:

and how can these concepts be related to each other? purely on the emotional aspect or on the physical?

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Indeed. Lack of sleep makes me cranky too, and that certainly affects my relationship with my family.

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I think if trading ever gets to the point where it affecting your health then they you need to re prioritise things. It’s not affected my health but then again I’m only doing it on the side.

It’s like anything, if your doing to much of anything strenuous it will take it’s toll

Hmmm? :thinking: I’m not sure I understand the question. :sweat_smile: But actually, it’s interesting cause I feel like once it involves a certain aspect of the body, the other aspects start to get involved too until everything just becomes more complicated. :open_mouth:

Oh yeah! :open_mouth: Definitely that too! :open_mouth: But has it ever gotten so serious to the point that you wanted to take a break from trading to somehow regain your health? :thinking:

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Good for youuu! :blush: I agree. Especially nowadays, we realize just how important it is to care for our health. :sweat: So it would be best to set limits for ourselves too. :confused:

That’s true. :confused: Took me a while to actually realize this and basically stop being so hard on myself! :smiley: Haha. I still remember those days. :sweat_smile:

It has certainly happened in the past. I hope it does not happen again.

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