Have you ever tried trading with a non-regulated broker?

HAHAHA :rofl: This for real made me laugh. :sweat_smile: It is cute! But I’m afraid I’m not so little anymore. :smiley: Haha. Rosie is fine though. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Good choice! :blush:

That’s interesting. :open_mouth: How has your experience been? Have you tried withdrawing money since you’ve started? :smiley: Usually the problems arise from there. :sweat_smile:

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So how you’re doing now Rosie? :wink:

Hahahaha. :sweat_smile: It’s still feels kinda unusual, being called rosie. :sweat_smile: Everyone here calls me ria! Hahaha. But I’ve actually been down with the flue for the past few days. :confused:

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Get Well Soon! :slight_smile: :pray: :rose: :rose:

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Unusual things feel different and I like being unusual. :wink: Oh are you OK now? :scream:

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When I was new at trading, I started with an unregulated broker and I suffered a lot. From then I never went for an unregulated broker.

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Thank youuuu! :blush: I’m feeling so much better already. :smiley:

Hahahaha. :stuck_out_tongue: Well, unusual is interesting. So I can’t blame you on that. :sweat_smile: I’m doing much better. Thanks for asking! :smiley:

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I’m glad this experience didn’t discourage you from pursuing forex. :blush: If you don’t mind, what’s the name of the unregulated broker you started off with? :open_mouth: Just so it can also serve as a warning for the others. :open_mouth:

Thank goodness! What’s your take on being all unique and stuff?

I worked with both types of brokers(regulated and unregulated), but I pay attention to other features of the brokers, such as the amount of leverage they provide and their customer service, as well as the bonus that is offered by them.

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I think that being regulated or not is not the main issue for me and I personally pay attention to other things from brokers such as bonus and tradable assets and spread.

Hmmm. :sweat_smile: Not sure I understand what you mean, but I’m always all for being unique and expressing your individuality. :sweat_smile:

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Hmm. :thinking: Interesting. So during your time working with both types, what were the most significant differences you noticed with internal processes? :thinking: Also, sometimes, I feel like a lot of the unregulated brokers offer bonuses just to lure people in and then eventually scam them. :confused:

Of course this is not necessarily the case for alll! :sweat_smile: But I just like to be super sure so I go for regulated brokers. :sweat_smile:

Hmmm. :thinking: Looks familiar. :sweat_smile: And based on your paying attention to other things, which broker did you end up with? :blush:

Yeah, you got it right, and I totally agree with your perspective.