Higher tax rates on savers and investors on January 1, 2013. The capital gains tax will rise from 15 percent this year to 23.8 percent in 2013. The top dividends tax will rise from 15 percent this year to 43.4 percent in 2013. This is because of scheduled rate hikes plus Obamacare’s investment surtax.
This is stupid what if all your money comes from this? Traders shouldn’t get taxed more than an average worker. Tax sports players they don’t do ****. This is going to hurt retirees too won’t it? Older people who live of their dividends. They need to tax senators and government officials more call it a leadership tax.
We cant even deduct anything pertaining to the business, as those are now not deductible…
Even the child tax credit is reduced 50%,
Higher taxes on marriage and family coming on January 1, 2013. The “marriage penalty” (narrower tax brackets for married couples) will return from the first dollar of taxable income. The child tax credit will be cut in half from $1000 to $500 per child. The standard deduction will no longer be doubled for married couples relative to the single level.
Dude…are you being facetious? The entire Occupy Wall Street movement is based on the idea that the average worker pays about 32% to 34% out in taxes while the rich get this huge discount and pay less than 20% on their investment income. If we were to “level” the playing field we’d have boost the tax rate up past 30% on investment income. And yes, the old people on retirement income would suffer. Unless they have a graduated scale where those who are drawing down less than $250k are taxed at a lower rate.
Wait til your forced to buy a 4 gallon minimum at the pump,
Waitttttt for ittttt,
Waaaaaiitt for itttttt,
Every morning i hear some sort of news about this or that, that is hurting us, and they now have the choke hold on all of us, and you simply cant excape from it…
Told everyone, you guys think forex is going to be around for years and years, and there is a possiblity it wont be longgggg before you make your dream goal…
Start another account, and risk the crap out it, im telling ya… You HAVE to make your money NOW, before its to late…
Im not off my rocker, Im not a crack pot, but Im wise with gut feelings, and I feel a sense of urgency to obtain large amounts of money in the shortest time frame, because, well, you just might run out of time…
I’m thinking Singapore, Costa Rica, or Panama. Did you know that those three countries have ZERO taxes on investment income? No joke.
They also have true universal health care there. Anyone wonder how these countries pull off true “single payer” type of universal health care and then tax the rich at 0% on investment income? The Occupy crowd thinks that we should raise taxes to 100% on income over $1M as nobody “needs” that much money anyway. That way we could AFFORD true universal health care. The question is how they pull it off with ZERO taxes on the rich in other places?
And how much of that 32% percent do you get back? I pay 21% in taxes claiming no exemptions. When February roles around I’ll get back about 3,000 last year I got 5,000 back.
The whole thing really is funky. I think we’d be best off if we had a flat tax system. Then everyone would know exactly how much they had to pay. No weird deductions for mortgage interest, no “earned income tax credit” that allows people to collect a check when they paid zero in to the pot, and no silly discounts for the rich in the hopes that they reinvest it and stuff. Corporate taxes should be done away with too. You should have to worry about double taxation simply because you’re a big company that wants to go public and needs to provide those working for it with some asset protection.
It’s time to move to other countries where is no income tax for trading? can you guys name them? thanks millions in advance?
PS. I’am very please to hear from you MNRVS, I wish you best success in your FX trading!
That’s exactly what I was wanting a flat tax system. No deductions or anything. Just a flat percentage. I get upset over politicians. I’ve read a lot of books on leadership. And they don’t seem to exercise any of those qualities. Get paid to basically fight and argue with each other and never get anything done. They don’t care about the country just themselves.
I wonder why… but interestingly, people reportedly have increased interest on him, based on the high page visits of his website. in fact, ron paul has higher website visits than obama and romney.