Background on Me:
I came across Baby Pips a year or two ago and eventually signed up in order to comment and add suggestions etc… I neve got around to doing so becuase I got caught up in other things.
I have been an active traders since 2001 and I have done well. My initial investment was $300 and I lost that the first week. I thought I was done but a month or two later after doing more research and reading countless articles online I invested another $300. Now with a few hundreded (~900) added here and there over the last couple years I have amassed $12,575 from trading. Now I would like to help some of you newer traders make steady income, and offer for the seasoned traders an addition to your trading portfolio.
Most traders new and seasoned trade the news, trade signals, trade feelings etc…and they all have one thing in common: these are speculative positions.
There is nothing wrong with them as you can stand to make some extreme returns when your positions are right, but that shouldn’t be your only strategy.
The method I would like to introduce is a hedging method - I do not beleive this strategy has been posted with the Holy Grail before. (I may be wrong but I didnt see it anywhere)
While everything I am going to introduce is based on the simple method of picking pairs which are negatively correlated and holding them for swap gains, I have added some common sense additions and some fairly complex additions to the idea in order to make it generate larger returns and yield less daily variation in the portfolio.
I will be posting some of the particulars, but as I do sell the signals and a programs which yield these results, I cannot be too specific on how some of the items are calculated…If you’re inteligent enough, you should be able to take the theories I give you and apply them on your own in a beneficial manner.