Hello Everyone

I am from South Africa, Joburg, and is almost 38 in a few days. I have been trading since September 2012, have no much luck, but of cause, what does luck have to do with it. I was with FXGM and changed this week to FXPRO MT4 and have made some $ back.

I am very excited, enjoying the ups and downs, perhaps more the possibility of making lots of pips this year with the help of this forum and everyone. I don’t regard myself as experienced, as one on this forum explained it will take about three years to get the hang of it.

I am currently working as Construction PM for many years and have this strong urge to change direction. My motivation now is to become a successful trader, not giving up my day job yet :D.

Anyways, I hope this forum will be just as exciting.


I’m form South Africa too, but now living in New Zealand for the time being. Curious to hear what you look for when trading? Are you a long term trader or short term? daily, hourly or a scalper? Do you rely on price action and trend lines or more on lagging indicators?

I have been trading for over a year now, but not full time. More as a hobby for now. I hope to get to the point where I can trade full time one day.

Hope all is well in Jozi!

Cheers, Jac

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