Hello, fellow traders! I’m Usman, ready to dive into the exciting world of trading 💹

Good day, everyone! I’m Muhammad Usman Babar—yes, that’s a mouthful, but let’s keep it cozy and stick with Usman. Or, if you’re feeling adventurous, you can call me “Osman Bey”—a title of nobility bestowed upon me by my scholarly comrades. I hail from the majestic land of Pakistan, specifically the noble city of Bahawalpur, also known as the State of Nawabs. Here’s a fun fact: whenever I’m out shopping and I get a little too ambitious with my wishlist, my parents quip, “What do you think, are you the son of a Nawab?” Spoiler alert: I’m not; here locally in my city, it’s a broke guy’s dream! :sweat_smile:

Now, let’s pivot to my professional saga. I’m a greenhorn in the trading arena, having serendipitously discovered BabyPips through a Bing search—shoutout to the search engine gods! :raised_hands: I’m all set to dive into the School of Pipsology course. With a sprinkle of luck and a dash of ambition, I aim to be a gazillionaire by next year (just kidding, but hey, one can dream, right?). :thought_balloon::money_with_wings:

In all seriousness, English isn’t my first language, and wrestling with the complexities of trading is like trying to solve a Rubik’s cube blindfolded. But fear not! With a bit of elbow grease and the support of this awesome community, I’m confident I’ll conquer the charts. If you’ve got any golden nuggets of wisdom, toss them my way—I’ll catch 'em with open arms. :palms_up_together:

A massive thank you to all! I’m over the moon :crescent_moon: to be part of this stellar community. :star2:

Keep trading and stay groovy! :man_dancing::dizzy:

Hi Usman.
I do like your positive and open attitude, welcome to the site.

It’s a great place to find out more about trading. Any questions are normally answered quickly and courteously. Sometimes posters here do not know as much as they think they do, but that’s the same in any subject.

Test out what you are learning with a demo account, they are free.

Welcome to the most interactive trading community, Usman :smiley:

I wish you many smashed TPs :upside_down_face:

Welcome. The search function is your friend. So much data is available here.

Welcome, Usman! It’s great to have you here. You’re in the right place to learn. Don’t worry about revisiting material; we’ve all been there before. Looking forward to seeing you thrive and, who knows, maybe even become that gazillionaire :wink: Feel free to reach out anytime!

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