Hello fellow traders

Hi community,

I am Floseph, 25 years old and living in Berlin, Germany! I have been imterested in trading for quite some time now but I never really figured out where to start. Somebody got me an online trading course for beginners. The program was alright but they always wanted to sell their premium programm for a lot of money. After i finished the basic course I browsed the internet and stumbled upon babypips with that amazing forex school. I just completed the school and am currently developing a trading plan before starting out (again) with a demo account. I already blew a couple of demo accounts due to not having a system and “shooting from the hip”

I want to keep learning continously and I am looking foward to get tips from an awesome forum!

Greetings Floseph and welcome to the BabyPips.com community! Thanks for the positive comments about our School, and good luck with your new trading plan. Hope to hear more about it soon; don’t be afraid to post it up here so that we all can help out :slight_smile: