The names Gavin, living in Hemel Hempstead (olde Anglo Saxon English for the homestead of hemp growers!! Honest, you can check the fact out!!), which is North of London.
I am obviously new to For Ex pip trading & have signed up with Derek Dumbrell for his signal service & software package that helps newbies like me, get a head start.
I would like to hear from fellow countrymen (& wimmin) on our humble island.
I would welcome feedback & constructive input from fellow pip traders, who are not intent upon trying to hawk their own wares onto me, or make me an offer which I have to refuse. Also I want to be able to smell out scammers & fraudsters. Is their a forum page for such characters to be publicised?
I am specially trained not to bite, so anyone with honourable, sincere intentions CAN contact me.