Hello! I'm Jake =)

Hi I’m Jake. I’m fairly new to forex. I come with some investing experience (stock market), but just buying stocks here and there. I made a profit but not much. I’m an EMT and I don’t make a lot of money, so I would like to be able to make some extra cash on the side. I tried forex months ago but lost money for about 2 weeks straight. I’m here to find a good strategy to implement that will hopefully be profitable.

I don’t expect to make a profit, but I hope to. I don’t know a lot about technical analysis but have some experience from the stock market (S/R levels, trendlines, MACD, etc.). I know forex can be profitable… I just want to find a way to join the 5% that make money.

I’m starting to get pretty confused about the different strategies and indicators and I wish people would make it a bit more simple.

So anyway… Hi :cool:

Greetings Jake and welcome to the BabyPips.com community! Thanks for sharing a bit about yourself and for your service as an EMT to your community! Have you been through the School of Pipsology to get the fundamentals of forex analysis and good trading practices down? Can you tell us more about the system you’re using and why you feel it suits your personality?

Hi jake.
welcome to the babypips
take a deep breath and visit babypips complete hope u will find a lot of knowledge about forex
keep visiting babypips
Good Luck!!