Call me Quin. I am from Nigeria, female and excited about the whole world of forex. Kudos to babypips for the humour while going through the courses. I hope to grow and also offer help while here
Am glad to meet a fellow Nigerian here. How’re you finding the course?
It’s been a great read so far…got me excited about the market again.
How are you on the fx market?
Welcome Quin and have a good time here
I intend to. Thanks🙏🏾
Welcome to the community, Quin! Good luck in finishing the School of Pipsology! Have you started demo trading too?
More than that, I have started live trading:smile:
Thank you🙏🏾
Oh wow! How long did you demo trade before going live trading?
Truthfully not long! And I learnt the hard way before stumbling on babypips.
great when i had about this platform! i am a new into the business!
That’s interesting. I just need to find the right strategy and indicator combinations that work for me. Have you found any combinations for yourself?
Welcome to bp Quin! Are you using a system for your live account? Good luck on your trading journey!