Hello Pips World ! Its about me

Hello Pips World !

This is Vinayak Sanga, From Bangalore, India. I am 27 years old, salaried professional. I was introduced to Forex trading, in 2012 by one of my fellow college senior. I did take class for a month on babypips. It did ignite a fire in me to begin the trading. But unfortunately it crossed my dream, which was to start my own company back then & also i hardly had money to trade.
Hence, i had to drop the idea of being a forex trader, & work towards being an entrepreneur. I did put my efforts to balloon my startup business, but unfortunately was unable to succeed & had to shut down in 2013.
After that, i took up a JOB in the same year, got promoted to a manager in 6 months.
Now i want to take up the forex trading, master it again with babypips & dive into the world of pips.
hope to get into this journey with fellow mates like you around & sharing experiences to become mutually successful & multiply this success to other fellow friends, family & anyone willing to be a FX trader.

Thanks !

Hello Vinayak Sanga, welcome to our forex community! Glad to know you went back to our site to continue your forex education, hopefully you push through with pursuing your forex goals this time. See you around!