Hello Pips World !
This is Vinayak Sanga, From Bangalore, India. I am 27 years old, salaried professional. I was introduced to Forex trading, in 2012 by one of my fellow college senior. I did take class for a month on babypips. It did ignite a fire in me to begin the trading. But unfortunately it crossed my dream, which was to start my own company back then & also i hardly had money to trade.
Hence, i had to drop the idea of being a forex trader, & work towards being an entrepreneur. I did put my efforts to balloon my startup business, but unfortunately was unable to succeed & had to shut down in 2013.
After that, i took up a JOB in the same year, got promoted to a manager in 6 months.
Now i want to take up the forex trading, master it again with babypips & dive into the world of pips.
hope to get into this journey with fellow mates like you around & sharing experiences to become mutually successful & multiply this success to other fellow friends, family & anyone willing to be a FX trader.
Thanks !