Hello traders. I am Benjamin

Hello. I am Benjamin.
I am a forex trader who has 2 years of experience.
I have …

  1. Stable trading strategy.
  2. Good working psychology and habits.
  3. Strict money management and risk management system.

I have been working individually, but now, I want to work with fx enthusiasts and investors.

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Welcome aboard. You have all the credentials for success - how is it going this year to date?

However, FX is mostly a singular road, as traders have differing views on their favoured style of trading. For example, I Ichimoku trend trade on the daily and 4hr charts - and my strict selective focus would probably be totally different from how you select your open trades, let alone how you manage them to closure.

However again, there could be traders using this site who would welcome your approach. Best of luck.,

Hello. Thank you for your reply.
How many times do you trade a month?

Every day, I review my chosen trending trade pairs - a dozen. These are ones that have brought me consistent profit over time at a 65% win rate. The three best consistent trend pairs are AUD/USD, EUR/JPY & USD/JPY

As for actual trade opportunities these are taken as and when, but on average one or two a week.

Why? Because I like the challenge, and my otherwise pension income is enough to keep me solvent and happy with life.

But for those who need more financial support, it’s a basic truism that, if you know what you’re doing, money makes money. IMO, it’s pointless to expect a small account of less than 10K to pay for all your outgoings, let alone reach financial freedom.

Why? If you can consistently make 2% profit each month, a $2k profit would probably fit the bill. If you consider that you can make a hell of a lot more you’re in for a sad surprise, because pro traders would bite your hand off for a consistent APR of 24%…

Thank you.
How long do you keep a trade?

Hi Ben, I’ve been trading for about 2.5 years. First year broke even (after initial big losses) 2nd year made 100% rate of return, hopefully this year will do similarly well. I have similar win rate to you. I trade any time frame. I mostly trade oil and copper, but also trade the eur/chf pair. I occasionally dio into a share if it’s looking partic tempting (but never seem to do well on shares for some reason) Happy to trade ideas with you! My first prediction is that I think oil prices will gap lower at sunday open (let’s see if I end up looking daft now i’ve posted this on a public forum :-))

OK, so oil gapped up - maybe best to ignore my predictions? You prob don’t want me as a trading-buddy!! :rofl:

Thank you for your reply.
I will check your prediction on oil price.

Do you trade in a long term?

Yes. I trade long term. I am a swing trader.
How about you?

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i mostly prefer short time approach above all scalping due to little balance.

Hello. Thank you for your reply.
Every trader has their own method.
What is your monthly return rate?

Personally, for me my monthly return is way too variable for it to be useful info. I often make nothing, or loose, for several months in a row.

money management is really important , because without it there is no way to survive successfully. so should focus on there.

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Yes. System, money management, psychology, all should be perfect.
Only then, you can make consistent profit.

Hello Benjamin. very nice name , i hope you will enjoy this environment . good trading , happy journey

Thank you.
I really enjoy forex trading and this platform.
Hope to exchange ideas in the future.

No, please don’t check my prediction on oil price. let’s jus pretend it didn’t happen :laughing:

But market can go as you predicted.

Hey, I absolutely love babypips. It’s great for education and getting in touch with expert traders to get help with your trading issues.