Hello - zdravo :)

Hi ewery one,

my name is Mitja and I´m from Slovenia. been here already for a while and i need to say that babypips is the one and only page who teach FX with funny statements which makes learning easier and fun!
i’m practising on demo account now for a while and testing different strategies to see how some of these indicators works. I prefer using more or less same strategy like Cowabunga strategy on 4h charts.
Like every neevbi i have problems with discipline like avoiding trading on the day with large news events.

thanks for everything u guys are doing here!

Greetings Mitja! Welcome to the forums–glad to finally hear from ya :slight_smile: The discipline to stay consistent is probably the most difficult aspect of any performance skill. So stay patient and motivated, and never stop learning! Good luck!

Hi Mitja,
Glad to have you here and welcome.