hello everyone
I am a newbie
been half year i could not work because of my health .so i thought maybe i can try myself in Forex.
installed one platform on my laptop and was literally playing in demo moneys…it looks interesting but still very complicated to me.
first of all i would like to know which platform is more preferable for a beginneer :45:
Hello Natalia and welcome to the BabyPips.com community! Since you’re beginning, have you been through the School of Pipsology yet? If not, it’s best to start there because trading is a skill that takes lots of practice and experience to develop, and that all of course starts with getting educated. This doesn’t answer your question directly but there really isn’t a “preferable” answer because we all have different situations and needs, so it’s best to go through that process on your own.
welcome Natalia.
thank you ,but :57::57:i would like to know what is the lowest amount of money ican start with forex trading
wow im surprised
welcome and enjoy the site