Help from mentors?

I don’t know what are you smoking but I’m Confused…???

~Aim BIG~

This thread is taking off really unexpectably!!! And the starter of the thread, just asked for some help or mentoring!!!

Lol oh I see… All that jazz that’s all what it means… :slight_smile:

Well, sir director, if you’re a director you shouldnt be ashamed to ask since you already achieved being where you’re at, now
allow me to throw my big, uneducated head into the discussion.

Consider it an interview.

Are you the man for the job?

Personally, me, im not a handyman and i never finished any school to the point where i got the degree either. The last one i quit one semester away from graduation while all my exams before had succeeded. My college (or hischool, whatever it is, i re-did my last year AND quit that in april while all my new years exams had quite good grades, simply because i was bored with it and my old man gave me the choice to either find a job or stop skipping school, his mistake since i handed in the books next day, i cant deal with threats or ultimatums, im not a teamplayer although i have experienced i am somewhat capable of handling sheeple in groups since, even if i didnt get my bachelor in psychology or social work, or modern languages i am somewhat familiar with the workings of the universe and the normal human mind and can be quite sympathetic if i feel like it)
Moreover, when i was 15 i ran away from home and my parents and the headmaster forced me to do the exams anyway. I refused to open one single book and sat there at my desk for two weeks. The only ones i passed were physical (running and such), english, and MATH … the numbers guy.
Now, my current situation, i have been unemployed for quite a while, the economic climate here is bad especially since a degree is more important than skill in any case overhere.
After my last job, which was mowing lawns for the township i spent almost two years trying to find a part-time job to pay for the bach psychology i wanted to do (im quite good at things that interest me, while im not at things that not)
to no avail, no one hired me, not even greenpeace even if i came home with the most signatures after the test, i guess i wasnt left enough and hadnt been to tibet enough.
Now, to the point, (i do elaborate quite a bit at times)
Forex, at first i thought it was the next internet scam (as i did, much to my regret, with bitcoin right in the beginning, if i started mining from day one i would have been a millionaire before mark karpeles screwed the market)
Then i looked into forex and found out it was real.
Then i started … demo account … boring … live account, EXCITING … burnout … try again, overconfident … burnout, try again
day in, day out, day in, day out
five days a week and checking it on weekends
i set my alarm clock in the middle of the night if i think theres a trade to be made. I dont have many options due to the economy and the arthrose in my neck, and the fact i visit a chiropractor twice a week for my back.
And i kept on going at it because i believed it was possible. Its been years now
five days a week , beats watching television, and finally i get the idea i know what im doing, i consider myself not to be a genius but above average somewhat although i do not need to draw a bollinger band to see it or an indicator to tell me what is overbought.
As with all things, school and mentors is only theory. The learning ground is practice. The key is perserverance, patience and an iron will AND an absolute disbelief that there is a one-size-fits-all system.
There is no laziness available if you wanna do it right even if sitting at a screen and in between doing some homework and lying on my back when it hurts might look otherwise to uninvited observers.
In fact im at it five days a week fulltime while i do some math in weekends. Not too much since forex is not an exact science. its an approximation at best, always.
I dont want to discourage anyone but i myself, as the statistics say, believe this is not for everyone, very few succeed in making a fulltime living off of it. Some get extra buck from it, the biggest part fails.

Those are statistics, not just my opinion.
So, before you risk REAL money on it, which i suppose you have, having been director. Ask yourself if you are the man for this. If you’re used to working at all hours and all days irregularly and got some numberskills i’d give it a shot, but not with the kids college funds if you know what i mean. I think about everyone here who actually makes money off of it will agree that no one has succeeded from the very first try.
But im wondering, im not gonna pry for numbers, if you have had a succesful career with an executive income, maybe you have enough to invest in less risky and stressful possibilities?
Have you checked every option. Forex is more about patience than a quick buck. If you make it about a quick buck then it becomes binary options which is next to betting imo.

I might come off hard but i mean no disrespect, i can assure you.
Explore your options if you feel this isn’t working out and never put in more money than you could flush through the toilet without missing it (so to speak). With the leverage it can go pretty fast, but it can also go pretty fast awry.

Sorry for my grand discours, best of luck in all your endeavours, fortune favours the bold, no risk no reward (and more where that came from-)

and may the pip be with you :slight_smile:

(quick reply, always funny, quick replies are not my biggest talent as my mother recently asked : can’t you just answer with yes or no … so for once i said : 'no… ’ hah hah, funny)

good luck anyway i hope you succeed in whatever comes up


Thanks for the short inside into your life. From your post I can only conclude that your perspective of forex is one of gambler not of a trader. You playing high risk with high leverage. You better go to a casino because there you will have instant satisfaction because the time period of the turnig of the wheel at the roulette table is very short.

I belief that for trading forex you have to have a sound and solid trading plan. To me a trading plan consists of three things: trading strategy, risk management and money management. Those three are interrelated and a trader can not define or left out one of these, if he wants to be a consistent profitable trader. Forex is a number game, your trading plan gives you the edge to over period considered you will profit from it.

(and I always listened to my mother, so I keep my reply short:8::8:)

That is my goal with the small account I started. If all goes well and I do profit from it, I will continue the strategy that work. More than likely, I won’t put any more capital into the account. I will let it build gradually.

Even with 2 - 10% gain each year or two, I am content with it. At least I am gaining. I am not in the hurry to get rich quick, that is the worse way of losing money quick. Because you are in a rush. Been there done it, and I will not do it again.

Something I learn a while back. Save a penny, double it every day. It will give you more than getting $1000 at once.

Now that what I am talking about. :smiley:

I don’t gain high because I risk high and neither am I a high frequency trader. I’m able to triple my money yearly with less than 1% risk on each trade.

Overall, just wanna let you know that earning more pips is definitely possible.

I’m sure both of you are able to find your way to grab more pips! :45:

Every time I tried to do that, it back fire on me. Example is last night, with the Scotland news coming around the corner. I have to loose out and close my open trades to prevent greater loss. I had too many open trades going at the same time. These are the trades that I have opened and rode the waves to catch more pips. Typically, I had these trades open for weeks, and some time I do a stagger trades to catch even more pips.

Just need to think more first before you start doing because there are unlimited ways to play around in forex.

Give you a tip tip, ‘What you are doing now is common practice to grow and conserve your capital. What you need to find out is how to cover your losses and not rely on using your growth strategy to cover your losses.’

Whenever you lose a trade, you are able to “reverse the time” and make it as if you didn’t actually input that trade. There are no loss or gain when you are rescuing.

Break the evil cycle of earning > giving back > end up little coffee money or break even.

The cycle should be keeping full profits from all winning trades > covering all losses with no gain > end up extreme growth with your capital.

You don’t need to do so much or open so many trades. Why so busy diversifying? And if you’re not careful, over trading and leveraging is gonna make margin call you.

And how much pip you can take is base on the conservative average range of Day, Week or Month.
(eg. I’m a Day trader, I know 30 pips is definitely possible to grab and my R:R is 1:3 so (30 pips / 3 = 10 pips). What I need now is to have a reversal strategy to pick the high and low. Trend strategy is 2nd place to pick the extension range of the day, it’s for shifting of SL and scaling in to ride unless you do not have a reversal signal to enter a trade before trend signal.)

Btw, there are holy grail but they don’t come from searching the internet or reading books. I revealed a bit in this reply but not going to sell or reveal everything because I don’t like to make people lazy by spoon feeding them. Plus no one will sell you if the thing 100% guarantee make money every month.

Start opening your mind map and storm your brain but no need to rush, just think a bit every day. Always summarize with logical sense, you must pinpoint and correct every single fault you found in your summary. There is always an ‘What If’ after you thought of something.