I have 200$usd ( i know 1000k is recommended to open account )
but in time i have 200$usd and i want to get it up to 1000$usd in 1 week.
we’re talking about 800$usd profit in 1 week.
anyone good at gbp/jpy ? i wan help in that pair (ive tried some other pairs but i like this one mostly)
im also looking for a group to join for that pair, to discuss and expose some ideas out.
If you really want to do it and do it in a “proper” not-so-risky-managing-your-risk manner, I’d recommend scalping like a MFer, risking 1% per trade and taking around 1,600 trades.
What you said is true, but i need to ask… I wanna see whats possible or not , whats good or not to do. What im asking is for any direction , strategy or w/e.
maybe somebody reached a goal with that pair with same amount money and expectation. “the only person that could help you is you” so true but in the moment i need help.
Thanks for your repply Pip Devil.
Definitely scalp is the way to go, but 1,600 trades dont seem a very good idea. only if i use a good EA to do it ( and i dont have a good one)… otherwise i need to turn "insomnia Mode ON"
what if we extend it for 2 weeks and incress some risk lvl?
even pro scalpers have trouble doubling their account in a couple of months. I doubt someone fresh can quintuple the account without resorting to some sort of gambling. Forex don’t work this way, if it’s so easy to x5 your account in a week, no one ever here ever needs a dayjob.
EDIT: You can look for a scalping system by purplepatchforex somewhere in this forum. He’s one scalper that I know of. Just be sure to read the instructions on the label properly =P, and again, don’t expect a miracle.
1% risk on a scalp trade is big enough as it is. Why? Well, you aim for just a small number of pips and the spread already takes up 10-30% of your trade. If you aim for 5 pips in EURUSD and have a 1 pip spread, you start off down 20% already as opposite to aiming for 100 pips on a swing trade.
Thanks Medical and yep its not about gamblling i know that.
miracles does not exist in FX, maybe some luck and guessing…
I use my own scalping method but it fails when i reach around 800~900$usd in a traning account, with 3 days trading . i need some fx education to keep some pips and stop risking too much to reach a goal. (ye i know my problem) gbp/jpy have alot volatility and i like it. So im here asking for it ^^ ideas or strategies to save my profits.
i’ll look for purplepatchforex system as you mentioned.
#1 Read through the baby pips school. #2 Read it again and again until you can look at your previous posts and shake your head at how unrealistic your goals were.
I did … i readed and i still doing. but unrealistic you said? hmmm srry i cant agree with you. Theres are many reasons why “you’re wrong”. maybe you’re a new trader as me and never saw or readed enough to be sure , but can i say: … not impossible or unrealist as you said.
Anyone that can turn 200 into 800 in one week is not going to be sitting in the newbie island forum. They’re going to be sitting on their own island somewhere surrounded by beautiful women.
so as has ppl selling a good place in heavens to live after death… exist experts to help ppl in the newbie island forum…
w/e with lil devices or hints/tips…
since yesterday when i created this thread i have added 3 ppl to my messenger, good at gbp/jpy, maybe they dont have an own island each one , but they are good and showed me that.
it works as that: when you’re lil baby , your mother wont guess if you’re hungry or not…so you need to cry right? or if you need attention or made something wrong … in all case you need to cry to reach w/e you want. the same apply here … maybe i seem a totally stupid asking what i asked in “newbie insland forum” w/e i wont reach what i want if i dont “cry”
sorry for that stupid story , maybe you understand a lil now.
theres a difference btw my account and your(out 2007 acc)… and im opposity of yours, i dont go around in randon threads to incress my post count with useless comments. you fail -_-
hmmm and if you did not see , I asked for a group too … oh and im not a leech after all , maybe you dont know whats a group/team means too after all =/… I’m sorry to burst your bubble soap.
[B]by way, i formed a team for gbp/jpy … so if anyone wanna join , send me a visitor msg… for while im leaving this thread since i got what i was looking for .[/B]
Frankly I don’t pay any attention to my post count, which is why its only 588 now after 3 years… you should try the search function before you flame… you might find the answer to what your looking for…