Help me choose ECN Broker...or best Platform

Hello Fellow Forex traders. The State of Forex nation is Bail-Out!!:slight_smile: Just kidding… don’t even go there!!
Fellow Noobies and Pro’s I need your help. I’ve been studying and preparing to trade for Forex for the last 8 months. Practiced many different demos and platforms. I’m ready set and go live. My problem is, and i’m sure i’m alone, I did’nt like most of the Forex Brokers and their platforms. I’m now practicing on FXCM software and it’s ok, but opening an account with them is complicated process and is like a pulling a tooth. GFT is ok too…
Does anyone has a particular ECN broker that they enjoy their software & MT4? Please share your experience with me. I realy appreciate…

hang on a bit mbtrading will soon launch live mt4 accounts

Thanks Hass

That’s what I’m waiting on. It’s the only thing that kept me from going with them.

I have mbt mt4 demo, the only thing i don’t like is the variable spread it gets high some times…
any one know of an ECN broker with fixed spread???
i know of tadawul but they are out side the US and I’m hesitated to open an account with them.