Help me please! what should i learn?

Hello all!
im very new to Forex and im about 1/5 of the way through the pips school. I’m currently overwhelmed
with all the information on YouTube, baby pips and in forums etc…what im basically asking is in what order
should i learn this information? I have watched basically every YouTube video there is on: “How to trade Forex for beginners” and all have the same layout: learn what a pip is, lot sizes, types of orders and what indicators are. So i have been watching some ICT videos and all the jargon he uses, i have no clue what it means!?. So should i complete baby pips and then where do i go from there? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

welcome to the forum! :slight_smile:

give it all up apart from the BP course

that’s excellent

all the rest has no quality control at all - anyone can publish anything

some is good, some is garbage; you (understandably and through no fault of your own) don’t yet have the experience to tell them apart

stop doing that! :wink:

stop doing that! :wink:

yes, and slowly

to this post :sunglasses:


thank you very much! :grin:

you should first paper trade and then if you can earn in paper trading or in demo trading, this actually means that you are ready to trade.

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First of all, forget whatever you must have learnt so far and start from the preschool of baby pips.

Study like the world depends on it.

And while at it, don’t get distracted by attractive videos on YouTube or any other materials that promises fortune in 3 months.

For now, FOCUS on what baby pips has got to offer.



As you have heard, the School of Pipsology is an incredible wealth of real information and an incredible beginning to start your forex and trading journey.

I’m confident that what you learn from the school and the forums here will outline you on your way.

Wish you all the best!


You can trade on demo account to measure your performance and it won’t be good for you to move to lie trading as long as you don’t become profitable in demo account.

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Continue working through BabyPips as it provides structured lessons. Make sure you thoroughly understand the basics like pips, lot sizes, orders, and indicators before moving on.

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It’s going to be overwhelming regardless of where you learn. Even the School here will be overwhelming at first. That’s because there’s so much to learn early on. I think the school is great because it’s structured. I don’t think much of YT is structured unless you find a course. I know ICT has a course on YT but his stuff is different, has special naming jargon, and he talks a lot, it will just confuse you if you’re jumping around through different teachers. I think once you learn the School here, you can go back to that, ICT on YT if you want. Focus on the structure here. Focus on learning consistently. Don’t take off weeks and months. You basically have to reset and relearn if you do that. Don’t be afraid to open a demo account now and have it by your side while you’re going through the school. DEMO account though.

It’s going to be slow going, but that’s how it is. Get the foundation built!

Have fun!


thank you for the reply!

thank you very much appreciate it

thanks you very much!

much appreciated!

@twopointfive how are you doing re: your school progress? Has it gotten a little easier or do you still feel overwhelmed? :open_mouth:

Complete BabyPips first, then focus on understanding one concept at a time. Gradual learning reduces overwhelm. Good luck!