Hi am new in babypips. going through candlesticks basic and chart patterns in the school outlined courses, i became more confuse about candlesticks and chart patterns. could there be a more practical way to learn these candlesticks and chart patterns? or is there any software for this? pleaseeee!
What are you confused about??
Hello Joe,
Don’t get the impression that you need to memorize every candlestick chart pattern there is in existence. Feel free to ask questions. This is the newbie island after all. People here are more than willing to help you.
“One who asks a question is a fool for five minutes; one who does not ask a question remains a fool forever.”
What’s confusing? If it’s too much, just learn one candlestick pattern at a time. There’s no hurry. The market will always be there tomorrow.
thanks for the encouragement, but is there a software for learning candlesticks patterns and if any, how can i start?
You could open a demo account with one of the various brokers. And try to identify patterns as they come, if thats what your after.
I don’t know about any particular software. But there are loads of articles, forums about candlesticks patterns available on the net.
When I started trading I found it useful to print the different candle stick patterns from the babypips school and tape them up around my trading station. After a few weeks (or months) of staring at charts, they’ll all be burned into your mind so well you won’t need the cheat sheets.
This is true. Totally agree with you