Here I Come(New Babe)

Hello there Babypips fam, I already feel at home :blush::blush::blush:. My name is DeAndre Ifill, currently 24yrs of age, 25 in a few days. I’m from South America (Guyana :guyana:), A Registered Nurse by Profession who is totally new to this platform in all areas and aspects and I have a dream, a dream to succeed, a dream to elevate, a dream to make a difference in my family, I have a dream to create a network of Generational Wealth for my Children and theirs to come and without a doubt I believe that this circle will gear me into realizing my dreams. I give thanks in advance for the Guidance and Support to get there…
Yours respectively…


First and foremost you need to construct a written plan, stating where you are now, where you’ll be at a specified future date, and how you’ll attain your goals.

No good being vague with just dreams if you want to achieve success. It needs realistic concrete substance that you can follow. Pin this plan on your trading room wall. And stick with it throughout your journey.

best of luck.

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Very much appreciative of Your informative response. Definitely will do same :pray:t5::pray:t5::pray:t5:

Every new trader should learn properly before investing the money.

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Wish you the best, feel free to ask any questions on the forum

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Hello and welcome @Lyttle_Sanchez!!

Check out this post. It might give you some ideas on how to begin. Good Luck!

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Thanks much. I’m currently utilizing the Education aspect of Babypips, Very much informative :+1:t5:

Awesome :sunglasses:. Right on it :fist:t5::fist:t5::fist:t5:

I wish you all the best for your bright future in this market.

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