Hey, Apathos here!

Hi everybody! Apathos checking in.

I’m a 25 year old guy from Norway.
I’ve been trading on a demo account for 3 months now, and finished reading the School of Pipsology (great guide btw). I got some promising results on the demo account, so I opened a live trading account on Friday.
I look forward to be sharing some of my trading experiences, and I hope to learn something from the more experienced traders here!


Great stuff Apathos

You are more than likely already aware of this but trading a demo is a lot different to trading real money.

For that reason risk only what you are comfortable losing as your demo results, statistics suggest, will not be replicated on the live account.

If you lose the money, don’t worry, just see it as an investment of your education and then repeat the process. The lessons you learn this way will be the hardest to take but hopefully you will not repeat them again.

If you breakeven or better still make money continue you what you are doing and gradually add some more capital.

All the very best!

Let us know how you get on and remember there are lots of people on here in which you can turn to for advice!!

Hi!. Im new too. I just started School of Pipsology. I hope soon i can try real account.
How long did you study Pipsology?

Thank you for your words of wisdom. I’ve currently done some live trades, and it definitely is another experience. I’ve already done some rookie mistakes that the guide have warned me against a thousand times. I just got to keep myself disciplined and motivated, because I get the impression that the learning curve in this can be pretty rough! I’ve invested a comfortable amount, so if I lose it all it is worth the lessons I got from it.

Hey! I spent about 3 weeks reading through the guide. I believe it is best to read parts in intervals over a longer period, than to try to read the whole thing over a few days. I will most likely read it again :slight_smile: