i have struggled with forex for the last year and a half i have paid for so many memberships and have blown accounts all because i cant stay consistant and disciplines i am goin to try to make a new trading plan any ideas or tips for my future i always wanted to be successful with this but i have only took losses
if your problem is missing discipline and staying consistent, you don’t need to look for a knew trading plan or any knowledge. Instead you should focus on the psychological side of trading.
A book that’s often recommended is Trading in the Zone by Mark Douglas. Maybe it can help.
Don’t beat yourself up. You have persevered and learnt a lot. This is the path to eventual success.
You have identified two key emotional signals that are preventing you moving up to a higher level. These signals won’t go away, however use them as a red traffic light that’s preventing you progressing.
So when you see a red light, STOP. Think how you’re going to change the light back to GREEN. Focus on this process until it becomes the norm.
Best of luck.
Start working out. Go running before trading. Do breathing meditation. Practise sitting still and letting thoughts go that arise. If you dont have disciplin in the rest of your life and if you dont work on improving these things you never going to make it.
Glad that you’ve decided to keep trying despite past difficulties. I think it’s important to develop a good strategy and to practice effective risk management so that you don’t lose too much money.