I’m 28, a pharmacy technician in Louisiana. I was exposed to forex sometime last year Nd been looking for someone to teach me. I really feel like this is a good opportunity to make a side income and my dream would be to get out of trading so much of my time for money. I love being a technician but I want to start investing in my other interest too. So any help at this point would be appreciated. Excited to see who and what this experience will bring.
Start trading with a demo account first.
If you’re into FX for the sole purpose of making money, you won’t succeed in becoming a profitable trader. Sorry, but that’s the reality.
I have a demo account with po trade app but I’m struggling with predicting the charts.
Well can I ask the reason your into forex.?
I enjoy the challenge. It’s like an intricate chess game that needs full committment. Once you have that mindset, you’re learning so much about yourself, your capabilities and your deficiences. That is my reward.