Hey yall! newbie here

new to this looking for any mentors willing to teach im a quick learn and am currently working to better my personal business

Hi, and welcome. Mentoring is a common request approach, but it’s not as simple to effect, because there’s not a one cap fits all process which everyone can follow.

For starters, everyone is different, have differing lifestyles, different objectives, different trading styles and what may be more suitable for the goose won’t be for the gander.

And mentors who you may pay good money for advice, will not be specifically tailored for individuals - it just doesn’t work that way. They will show you their favourite set ups, that’s it.

BTW, if you become interested in Ichimoku strategies, I’ll message you mine for FREE - but within days, maybe weeks, i’ll bet a dime to a dollar you’ll be tweaking it about.

Alternatively learn on this site with the education courses that you like best and save money to trade with later.

Best of luck

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to find a right trading Mentor is more important , because in online more than thousands trading Mentor and most of them are found to be scams,. so be careful when choosing a Forex Mentor.

Welcome, yes I agree education is important especially from multiple mentors. Never get just one opinion, be open to anyone willing to help :slight_smile:

education + practice = the perfect combination for any kind of traders to bring good amount of profit.

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Welcome here. You can start with education section of this website. Remember learning or developing skills need time. In fact a lot of time. You need motivation and dedication to learn the art of trading.

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newcomer always focus on their learning approach but honestly speaking learning can be useless if there is no regular practice level.

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education is a thing that cannot be stopped at all even in spite of passing a long itme , so need first of all a great level of patience.

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hello newbie , i hope for the best , have a very knowledgeable journey.

Agree, less is more.

Hi holdjer!
Finding a mentor can be helpful, just watch out for scammers. Keep in mind that you can also learn everything for free online using sites like this one, so you don’t necessarily have to pay for your education. I taught myself but it probably requires a little more effort that way.

Very true. I’ll add that learning is useless if you’re not learning how to correct your mistakes.

I’ve been trading for a few months, and I’m realizing that I’m very scatter-brained.

I have an excel spreadsheet of the major pairs that I trade. I takes notes and color the boxes of what has upcoming set-ups.

Every morning I open my laptop, take one look at all that information, become overwhelmed, and just start looking for more trade set-ups.

I reduced everything to just two pairs, and three trades total. At least for this week.

But I had to be honest with myself about my shortcomings.

Trading will introduce you to your true self.

My suggestion to @holdjer is try to be aware of your mistakes. Keep a journal. And don’t hesitate to take a couple steps back and reassess your self, do it right away. Sometimes, the strategy is fine, and the fault falls on the trader.