Heya Peeps this is me!

I decided in December to get into Forex. This was mainly after reading a very informative and inspiring book that opened my eyes to go into a market where you can grow and experience and learn and (hopefully) make some money :money_mouth_face: on the side and then grow that to a permanent extra income. My ultimate goal is to make enough that my present will not be my always! Live life and love every moment, not to be stuck in a rut until I die :crazy_face:

I get the feeling from what I have experienced and learned thus far that BabyPips is the place to be. Looking forward to the exciting road ahead!!! :star_struck:

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Hi and welcome on babypips :slight_smile: check education section here as a start and good luck Regards Greg

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Welcome to the community, CindersFX! We’re also excited on your new journey. Good luck!

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Welcome , good place to chat and learn , a good book on the markets is the Ruff Guide

Steve Ruffly clever guy - https://amzn.to/2u3Rb1n

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Definitely the goal. :blush:

Welcoooome @CindersFX! :slight_smile: I have a feeling we’ll get along super well. :sweat_smile: Haha. :slight_smile:

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