Hi all! I'm Thomas from Thailand

Hi all!,

I’m Thomas from Thailand. I joined this course because I’ve always been interested in Forex trading, and recently had an open-door opportunity to get into this industry as well. So if I can master Forex, then I’d consider this a win-win, as I’ve always wanted to learn it and now I have a very good reason to!

Hi Thomas! I think it’s great that you’re interested in trading, it could certainly help you throughout your life. This site is super helpful if you can find the time to use it often, it will definitely help you. Good luck :four_leaf_clover:

Hello Thomas! Hope you’re enjoying your stay. We’ll be looking forward to your progress. Good luck!

Hi and welcome! Good luck in your journey. Don’t put pressure on yourself and just be consistent with your learning and study. Set good habits early on to help you as you go.

Hi there, it is great to see such enthusiasm towards trading. Hoping you are able to pick tips and tricks from this forum! Best of luck!

Welcome to the community, Thomas. You’ve come to the right place to learn. Good luck on your trading journey.

Learning will open all doors for you. While you learn the basics, make sure that you learn how you can make use of your knowledge in the live market.