Hi everyone, have 8 years of trading behind

Welcome to the community, Silver! It’s nice to have experienced traders here who’s willing to share their knowledge and help newbies. I’ll be looking forward to your contributions here in the forums!

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What tricks and recommendations you can share with newcomers here? Are you selling something or want to thank education community by returning knowledge back?

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Great questions, I have nothing to sell or promote. I want to serve traders who are not profitable yet, because I suffered over 4 years to get profitable trader I try to help other so that they can avoid loosing money for years.
Today I posted a topic called “From New to Consistently Profitable Trader in 5 Part Video Series”, I put the link below, I hope this is going to be a cornerstone for new traders to get the right basic knowledge so that they can become profitable early on and then learn more from there on.

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Thank you Very Much

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What timeframes would u recommend to a beginner?

Depending what kind of trader you are, if you are swing trader then daily and 1H charts but if you can daytrader then mark up daily and 1H levels but execute your trades based on 5 minute chart.
For example if you are in a sell zone on daily or 1H timeframe then I would skip 5 minute buy trades in that zone and if you want to take it one step further then I would try to find moonshot trades that can result in 10, 20x profit, I have a video of moonshot trade example, take a look at it if you don’t know what I mean by moonshot trade.
IF switching between timeframes is too much for you but still want to daytrade then I recommend trading on 5 minute chart, just have knowledge on price action trading and trade together with strong handed traders, if you are not familiar with it then yesterday I created a topic called “From New to Consistently Profitable Trader in 5 Part Video Series”, check that out.


Hello Silver, or should i say tere. I’m a newbie trader, also from Estonia. Excited to see you here!

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Hey @sryjaynari , great to see someone from Estonia here :smiley:

Hello and welcome to the forum! You have started trading and learning pretty early on, which is great!

good going , hope , something better will come from you. good luck

Certainly I will checkout your videos, Thanks !

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Okay, i have started demo trading and as usual I do fail in trades.
Loosing trades is not my fear but i fear what if I keep repeating and can’t learn something new from those failures in trading??

can you teach

Yes, I have created 5 part video series to take new traders to profitable traders, check that out :ok_hand:

I recommend to post your trades in the forum and let experienced traders comment on your traders and they will point out where you can improve :ok_hand:

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Hello silver, welcome to the forum. Looking forward to hear more from you about your success plan. Going to check out those youtube videos now.

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Hi Silver, I really like the video where you explain how to trade with institutional players etc.
How much ROE do you think a good daytrader can expect in a year ? I’ve never find a daytrader with public track record making more than 20% ROE a year (after 2005 and HFT algorithm mania etc), for Swing traders, the higher i found with public track record is 30% average a year. People always tell me i can make 100% or more ROE a year day trading, but they all disapear when i ask a track record so i’m a bit sceptical for choosing the timeframe i want to trade.

oh i almost forgot a very important question, do you use the strategy you teach in your 5 part video or do you use a more complex one? If so, could you explain your most profitable strategy? Thanks a lot

Why would they? Well… for credibility?? To become distinct for all the cons artist out there?

ROE have nothing to do with total equity and everything to do with legitimacy, you can show your ROE and hide the total equity, so it’s nothing like showing your bank account to everyone in the world.

I see more and more “experienced” “very profitable” popping-up from nowhere to help newbies . I divide them in two categories :
-The ones who find shady excuses to not show their results.
-The ones who shows their results.

Category one i avoid them like the plague, Category two i respect them a lot, even if they always show they make from 20 to 30% ROE a year, even sometimes only 10%, that’s still 10% more than the other ones.

I am not prejudging you, but as you said, it is hard to find good content, this is why i don’t give any value to content that is not backed by a track record.

Nonsense, and I do care what you say. You are hyping a system and knowledge that outperforms every Billion dollar hedge fund in existence. In doing so you are giving false hope to the folks who may have a couple of grand to start trading with, thinking that with 5 or 10K they can, with your guidance make a yearly living.

This is even more egregious because we have folks here who come from “underdeveloped countries”, who have virtually no disposable income, who will read you posts and have the hope of making at lease 20% per month.

You should be ashamed of yourself, bragging about returns that are impossible to reach. I am hoping this site becomes a place for serious traders and learners, not for people who are presenting lies and snake oil with smoke and mirrors. Frankly you have shared your “knowledge”, and it is not worth the electrons that carry the charge to put it up and a screen.

I have seen this kind of post “Morph” into a cult, and then a pay site, causing all sorts of controversy and wasted time.

The Ever Serious VIPER


Fair point, im not going to mention any returns in the future so there will be no expectations and traders must test the strategy to see what potential returns they can get from it.
But you can’t compare billion dollar hedge fund to retail trader, they can’t jump in and out of trades like retail traders can plus risk/money management strategy hedge funds use is completely different compared to retail traders.

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