Hi Everyone You Can Call Me Mia

Hello My name is Mianna :smiley:

I am from the South. I am currently a Financial Professional. I teach the community how to retire earlier with more income and Payless on their taxes. But, reason why I am here. One I want another stream of income. Second, Is that Iā€™ve always wanted to get into trading FX. But was to distracted, now that my mind is more balanced I am ready to go and start my journey. Also I donā€™t want to be scammed by these SO CALLED ā€œ FX Tradersā€ on social media.

Thank you Babypips, and everyone else

As you probably know, FX trading is speculative, high risk - but itā€™s NOT a source of income as in a regular paid job. There are no guarantees youā€™ll succeed, or make money.

Thatā€™s the reality. However, if you aim to become the best trader you can be, and treat FX seriously like a new business venture - then you stand a chance of making the grade.

best of luck.