Hi Money Makers!

I am excited to be here :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: I am new not new new but new still wanna learn and figure out how to take that money from that market :joy: anyway I can help I’ll definitely share my knowledge to help better you in anyway I can … see you around :v: :sunglasses: :lipstick: :high_heel: :purse: :moneybag:

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Hello and welcome to the forex community.

Hi! I’m Edward Looking for like minded traders to encourage and be encouraged by. I desire longevity so i’ll be taking it slow! I liked new but not new new! I trade everyday. I also am new but not new new!

most welcome in this community , have a very good journey on there , happy trading , good luck

this community is more appropriate for the traders who are particularly beginners , so feel free to ask any question you need to know.

welcome to this community , this community is full of trading knowledge

Hey! How is everyone doing?

Hello, welcome to the community. We are very glad you have decided to join us. Learning will guide you on the right path. I hope you will follow this path to success. All the best

Hello, welcome to the forum, learning never ends. Forex trading requires a lot of time and patience. Good luck with your journey!