Hi y’all.I’m Josh

Hi y’all.I’m Josh.
Well I have always wanted to be a trader but I have been duped countless times.I love forex cause even with a stipend and the right knowledge,you will still be your own boss and you get to do things your own way at your own time,but for the past couple of years I have been in servitude for more than 8hrs a day under the sun to be given stipend at the end of the month only for scammers calling themselves trader to take the largest portion of my stipend(which is part of things that made me desperate and led me here).
I wanna change that because so many people depend and I too depend on me.
A friend referred me, I respect y’all alot.

welcome to the community bro

what is your market of interest? :slight_smile: hope i can help

its a very friendly forum from all in online , so its more appropriate to feel free to ask any question , good luck and happy trading.