I have been subscribed to a signal service from august 2019 and theyve been making around 4000 pips per month, How is it possible that they analyse all these pairs and how do they gain all of those profits?
I have been using them for around 4 months and i have made a total of around 13000 pips.
could they maintain these profits? Im honestly really surprised on how that is happening. Other than me currently trying to learn their strategies how could you help me understand how is it possible?
EDIT: Im not here for marketing I wont state their name unless anyone wants them otherwise im just asking a question.
I dont believe in signal groups, for eg you’ve been with them for 4 months but still trying to learn the strategies. That’s doesnt sit well with me at all. However, If it’s working for you just keep at it. Sounds like you’ll have a million dollar account by the end of the year. Get in touch when you do that. I’ll be interested in how you manage your risk then. Good luck.
i have been trading forex for over a year but i was never able to achieve a really high amount of pips per month. I acheive around 4000+ pips per month right now and i was asking is it sustainable to achieve all of this per month?
I know how to manage my risk and im not like tripling my account every month it does take time since they make a large amount of pips per month yet i dont use high lots size for example when my account balance was 2000$ i usually opened max 0.03 splited on 3 trades so
their signals work like first 2 is short term and if you would like to go for long term trades you can add the 3rd tp otherwise you could just split the trade on 2 trades etc.
Wow intrigued, could you please tell us the name of this service? Is it broker specific, like needs some special spreads or execution or I can connect to it to Hotforex or Tickmill I currently use? Thanks.
Its not a magic service, and no you cant connect it to your broker, Its a signal service but they give you details on how to execute their trades, theyre called [removed due to forum policy violation]. You still have to use strict money management you may ask them to further explain it.
Such good indicators may be due to the fact that there is a whole group of specialists working there, which regularly monitors the market, hence, so many signals and, accordingly, a large profit.
I don’t have a problem with you providing a service but why do you lie about it. Why are just not transparent and say exactly what you want to achieve?!
Signal service do work if you follow the rules of trading, managing risk with own, do not trade with high Lot. There are good service provider for signals but hard to find.
the indicators are good, I don’t know how real it is on the mass level, although of course with qualitative analysis and full-time work everything is possible, but I am only for independence and full personal responsibility in the market.
This got me rolling on the floor. The guy thinks we are Morons here. Maybe there are some morons here sending him DMs. I knew he wasn’t serious anyways. Maybe you should reveal the site name so that I can open a fresh post on it and reveal the scam behind and we can all sleep.