How comfortable am I with the possibility of losing money?

You cannot control when you lose. You can control how you feel about it. If you tame yourself with a losing stream, i guarantee you’ll profit.


Buckscoder, you have touched on a great point concerning the definition concerning what real success is. I can relate to this in this way, I do professional photography away from my day job. I find it much more rewarding then my day job, but it is hard to make a good living doing photography. Just because I can’t pay the bills shooting weddings and senior pictures doesn’t mean I am not a successful photographer. Thanks for your response.

Ur welcome. I also do photography, but not for any money. I learned the whole movie stuff in my very first “career”, but didn’t continue with that. And I love it. I have 4 cams here for every situation. I learned that all a while ago when I had to deal with films. Now it’s so exciting what you can do with the new cams. No expensive films anymore and what I never dreamed of 20 years ago you can have for a couple of bucks.

Cheers! :slight_smile:

Great thread!

Since short time ago I agree with buckscoder on what society find succesful. I used to think that succes equals money. I was dead wrong!

My goal in this bussiness, wich ihmo, I believe is the same of the mayority here, is to make money with it. Im willing to dedicate as many hours as it takes to be a good trader, but at some point, and Im still far away from that point, I should put a stop loss if things are far from going into the direction I was aiming for.

Let´s be clear, that´s my approach, I know many of you have different opinions on the subject, but if something it just not working, maybe there is something else out there for you that would give better results.

And Im not saying that you should considered something else, after a year or two.

Just my humble opinion.


DDS refers to ‘Doctor of Dental Surgery’ right? Excuse my CJD! LOL!!! There was a long time trader on BP who was and still is a Dental Surgeon… can’t remember is ‘handle’ on here though. Nice guy, lives in Sweden and now on a dedicated FX Skpe chatroom. But I imagine he’ll still be logged here if no longer posting. If anyone can remember his name post it… might want to PM him? If not ask ‘Clint’ he’s the Oracle around here!

Yes, Im a dentist, maybe is a rare combination dentist/trader. Albeit I don´t usually tell people Im into fx, in the future if all goes well, it will be fun to see the reaction of people I recently met. :smiley:

I am an electric engineer, i guess it makes it more weird.

My day job is Operation Manager for a wholesale distribution center. After 25 years in the business and turning the big 50 I promised myself that I would make some personal changes to leverage my retirement goals in the right direction. I plan on spending quality time learning this type of trading to see if the fit is right. My demo account will be the final judge. If I can grasp the basics and apply the correct strategic principles will be my first major hurdle to overcome.
My current career involves monthly performance reports that reflect sales profits to overhead costs. I am responsible for the overhead costs. After years of reading graphs and charts and doing forecasts projections and being held to them helps me to bring to the table a understanding about the end game goals. Just like in any major sporting event, the scoreboard at the end of the game reflects the winners/losers. How the score gets there is just that. Looking for my game face in mirror at the moment. I know this is a rough and tumble world to get into so I better get the game face on!

It’s not easy when you’re on a losing streak, however, as corny as it sounds, things are bound to look up. Bottom line, it is all about the attitude…