How did copy trading work for you?

My experience with copy trading has been positive. I’ve been copying the trades of a few expert traders on Zulutrade, and not only do I get to see good trades here but it has also helped me a lot in increasing my trading learning curve.

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This is also one of the reasons why I don’t recommend trying it out now. :open_mouth: I feel like there’s a chance you’d become a dependent trader. :confused:

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I personally hate copying others because it leaves traders with no trading experience. But if copying leaves you with market knowledge, you can do this.

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Hmmm. Maybe if, for example, the mind behind the trades you’re copying also explains each part of the trade and the rationale behind it, it would still be something useful. :thinking:

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IMO, copy trading can help traders gain market knowledge and understand how successful traders make decisions. By following and copying the trades of experienced traders on zulutrade, I have learned a lot about trading and market behaviour. Overall, I’m happy with the experience.

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Copy trading may give you some profit temporarily but it won’t leave you any lesson.

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Hmmm. :thinking: I guess this could be the case if the person whose trades they’re copying actually explain the rationale behind each trade. :open_mouth: But I don’t think I’ve seen any of that in my copy trading attempts in the past. :sweat_smile: It’s interesting though! How long have you been copy trading? :smiley:

This really depends on how fast and lucky you are at times. :sweat_smile:

Copy trading might give you some profit but won’t leave you any experience.

Tried this initially. Didn’t work for me. That’s why I decided to learn.


Well, it depends on the individual trader and how much information they want to share. Some traders are more open about the reasoning behind their strategies, while others prefer to keep things under wraps. If you’re looking for a bit more insight, I use zulutrade for copy trading and I find their social feed feature to be very useful in this regard. You can connect with the trader you’re following and ask them any questions you have about their approach. It’s a great way to get a better understanding of their strategy and decision-making process.


Copy trading won’t leave you any knowledge but maybe profitable for you.

This makes copy trading more beneficial. You have an actual tutor who can explain the reason behind the trades, as opposed to you trying to figure it out on your own and getting it wrong.

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Copy trading helped me to easily learn from the most experienced traders and achieve desired results quickly.

If you take lessons from copy trading, it can preferable to you, otherwise I don’t support copy trading.

I feel like I’ve read this exact thing a few posts back. :sweat_smile:

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Had to learn the hard way then. :confused: Was it some sort of subscription also? And for how long did you do it? :open_mouth:

I feel like I’ve seen that name quite a few times around, but I can’t get myself to think they’re legit. :open_mouth: I think my experience left me a bit critical of copy trading services. :confused: