How did everyone get into trading

Totally agree.

That’s not very kind haha maybe leave her if you don’t like seeing her.

Nice one :blush:

It is basically due to the advancement of technologies. With the progress of technologies, diverse online platforms have become well admired and forex is one of them. Flexibility of trading schedule, increasing liquid position, independence of working, etc. all are underlying reasons why forex has become well accepted among the traders.

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Very true.

the main purpose of a person get into forex is to earn money quickly and easily.

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Yes true the question was more asking how did people
Find out about it?

Always good to have friends on our side.

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I wouldn’t tell anyone new to forex that money will be quick or easy, but often this is the motivation for trading.

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Nah I probably wouldn’t get anyone else haha

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Sure is :blush::+1:

Yes exactly it’s hard but once you know what your doing it is easy to make profit

Haha probably not

If I have extra money from Forex then I will have extra enjoy in my life so I have choose it for trading and profit.

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Exactly win win!

Love it!!!

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Yeah that’s usually the way!

true words Realey

Hahahaha what’s wrong with her?

Aww don’t be so hard on yourself dude