How do I make a fortune?

Banks make money by lending. That’s what they do. That’s their reason for existing.

And you believe their published data? Then why did they stop publishing M3? What are they hiding?

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Banks don’t make much money lending when rates are so low - and when its so risky lending to the consumer.

They would rather just wait it out

I can see your take on this, the whole creature from Jeckyll island angle that nothing the Fed does is believable - you may be right on that

But the fact remains QE has not led to rapid price rises in Japan or the Eurozone.

And the bond market has not protested by moving yields much higher.

After trillions of QE in 2007 gold prices went into a sideways to bear market for a decade - despite what the gold bugs said.

Maybe it saw deflation?

Im not anti gold at all - but having traded it for over 15 years I’m always wary of the words money printing which all to often is nothing more than a sales pitch from the gold bug community.

Oh @Falstaff where is your sense of adventure?? Come on live a little.

:joy: :rofl:



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We all aspire to be him.

A lot of money can lead to the devaluation of the currency. The devaluation can cause inflation so be careful.

It’s a nice video to watch. It covers a lot of topics I was looking for.

That’s really good.