How do I plot fibonacci retracement?

“Works for me”, and charts where SD are broken more often than respected, just aren’t proof that the market is run by SD.

They’re proof of simple delusion.

“The market is run by supply and demand” is an hypothesis which can be destroyed in an instant, as we’ve just demonstrated.

But lucky for you to be able to upload charts, I haven’t received that great honour yet

You do not understand supply and demand if you think price would bounce between the two over and over again. I showed you charts where supply and demand were respected not broken. When orders are depleted price must move. Best of luck to you.

Erm, I think you told me that price moves by SD, yet you concede that most of the time SD breaks.

What I don’t understand is how you think that makes any sense.
If you actually draw each S and each D on your charts, I don’t think you’ll even get close to 50-50 respect. Then if you look for how many times price actually hit S from D and vice versa, your numbers will look even worse.
Since your own examples show the failure of SD principles, I must wish the best of luck to you too. You’re certainly going to need all you can get :slight_smile:

Do you think there is an everlasting amount of orders at a given level? Supply demand work UNTIL the orders have been deminished. We retail traders do not know when that will be which is why making money is not easy but we can use odds enhancers to locate the best possible levels. You clearly have no clue.

Odds enhancers. Ah! You’re one of those who can’t admit that they got scammed by the greatest upseller there is in the business.

Look, we had a debate, and we both ended up making my point.
There is a far better way to trade than SD. It doesn’t need odds enhancers, because we know in advance that our trades will work.

I spent a month or two, many years ago, thinking that SD was a good thing, but standing back and taking a good look at it showed it to be just another smokescreen.
Do consider looking beyond SD. It can only do you good.

Many apologies if you’re offended by anything I’ve said. I know I can seem rude and patronising to believers in rubbish.
Oh, there I go again!

Be well


Pick the most recent or most relevant

You have just been asserting what is not without stating what is and alluded to some privileged knowledge.

Unfortunately, many of us are no more enlightened by it.

Would you care to elaborate and inform the readers about what is?

Absolutely right, and yes, I’ll elaborate this week :slight_smile:

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I was going to ask the same. Great discussion, but how do you get into the “know” other than just gaining experience? Again, sounds like another one of the generalizations out there, like “make better trades”, trade your plan, etc.

I love the discussion though. :grinning:

Another question. Sorry if its dumb, but do the banks/institutions trade daily? I wouldn’t think that makes sense for them. And if they don’t trade daily, and only on some longer term timeframe, doesn’t that mean that we, the retail/dumb traders have our chance at moving price and reacting to it ourselves, without worrying about the big boys? I can’t believe the banks/institutions are always watching and reacting. Unless we’re talking like algos or computers reacting in real time, so no constant manual actions are needed. If that’s the case, why are we trading at all? If the game is basically rigged, like some of you are saying? Or maybe just one of you?

You’re trading because you’ve been enticed into it with promises of superyachts and mansions.

The ITs are in control all the time. They use high frequency trading to eat up all the orders at a price, measuring how many remain. Should they want price to move quickly, they then add more orders where there are fewer against them. Should they wish to keep price stable, they match each remaining order with one of their own. Essentially, they’re told which range to keep price in for the moment, and where to bring it to for the next big news announcement…

If I don’t get too abused by admin and the trolls here, I’ll explain some of the basics, to get you on the right track. But I can’t promise, as the people in here make it a very inhospitable place to teach useful trading methods

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Hello ifmyante…I am interested in your analogy of the market…if am to believe you, how then can I bring your thoughts to trade? It’s an e-process regulated by some geeks in a control room.

I believe in order…and I guess that’s what SD tries to bring. . but coming from your analogy, I think u have the day, and it should make u heavily profitable…but how then does your analogy streams profit for a retail trader

Yes and no and possibly not how you think,

You see, there are other participants in the market that have to trade from necessity. Think a large multi national company that has costs to pay in different countries. They have a demand for foreign currency to pay these costs.

The big banks might batch many big orders like this together and they are executing for them and see this order flow.

Then if they want, they can execute their speculative trade just before using that large batch to help push the price in their favor too.

Just an example…

Okay, that makes more sense. When thinking about institutions, how many are we talking about. 100’s?
1000’s? 10,000s?

If I think about 1000s of businesses doing this daily and weekly, that it’s just a bit easier to grasp.

Any chance you can explain with this a picture?

The top 10 controls and accounts for about 60% of the market.

They are the likes of citi bank, Deutche bank, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Barclays, hsbc, ubs, Merrill lynch… et el

Like this. This example doesn’t show a trend line exactly but the same principle applies. Don’t take this as gospel but it’s a simplified explanation of what’s happening between supply demand imbalances. The thing difficult to understand is why there are still orders lying around at previous zones of supply and demand into the future causing a reaction when price comes back to that zone. People may say that large institutions would not leave orders lying around that long but intact they do. I’ve started tracking the COT report in spreadsheets and the amount of money being held on the chart within these previous zones is huge. Each week the amount might go up or down a bit for longs and shorts but anyone who thinks that these big players just move billions and leave nothing in the table are simply wrong. Is an ever ongoing battle. Just check the COT reports for the last year and you will see. This is why price reacts when it comes back to previous zones even months into the future.

I’ve come across some older COT discussions here after doing a search, I’ll give those a read over and see if any of that helps make more sense of this. Thanks!