How do you deal with unsupportive family?

First of all, there are no practical reasons why should my trading be wived negatively. I am not loosing much money, i keep the account small. I have a day job. The problem is the idea of trading. it is greediness, unvillingnes to work a propper job and contribute to society, too risky, not for us, whatever. Not an exact reason, just something out of ordinary and therefore percieved negatively in general. It is a favorite topic for family gatherings. “Soooo, how much did you loose today?”, “What? Still doing it? haha”. With friends it is a bit easier, they have some respect whether they understand or not. But family thinks there are no boundaries to what they say because we are a family.
i am not discussing it or seeking approval but cannot hide it either. it takes time to trade, i am sitting in front of my screen whenevr i have free time so it is pretty obvious what i am doing.
If i was profitable there would be no problem but it seems i might need another year of two to go.
Thanks for your suportive comments, it is helping to know that there are real people out there who are profitable.


thanks to media which make it look like people should be a millionaires by next week, to uninformed people it makes you look bad if you are not making money.


That’s true… misinformed about the math.
I’ve been around a pretty good while (near retirement age) and after suffering the criticism of others for too long, I now do what I think is right. Period. With very few regrets and the regrets I have are fleeting. No need to discuss something with people who have no idea about what I do.
The very best to you, Sigridskyler .


This sounds like 99% of people that conform to society and work a “proper” job for 30 years, for $/£20k a year.

That’s why there’s so few people that break that mould.

In all honesty, the best advice is just don’t speak about it unless it’s to someone you know cares or understands. Otherwise, just don’t say anything. Then you don’t have to justify what you’re doing or losses or ANYTHING.

Just do you man, don’t listen to other people. If we all gave up and let people put us down, we’d go nowhere.

The stupid thing is, if you did manage to scale your account up and start making life changing money, I’m pretty sure they’d care :joy:


It’s all about leveling up really. The 99% are stuck in a matrix, while the 1% broke free from it


Hi Kassidy what instruments do you trade and what is your favorite strategy?


I am so glad you asked this question :hugs:. Just had the same experience.

I just started trader, I’m only 1 month in but grasped it very quickly. I was learning about the Forex market months ago but I just couldn’t understand it on my own.
Then just last month I bumped into an old friend and the platform he used to learn and know he is teaching me the ropes through that platform and also referred me to Babypips too :wink:. In one week, I did 3 trades (I went Live- demo is the way to go but I’m a different breed :grin::rofl:) and made a great profit, got excited and shared the news with love ones.
Everyone was receptive except my besties of over 30 years and made a rather hard and discouraging statements.
After that I did trades that tanked on Monday because I allowed their negativity to affect me. This trading thing is no joke.
Thank God I didn’t cry over spilled milk. I still kept a profit but when that negativity tried to enter in just say “Ok” and know that’s not the person you need to talk to about Forex, just a person to show later :hugs:
Keep the mind right and you’ll be successful in this just like me :grin:


It is extremely complicated to be in the situation you are. It is possible to succeed but its really hard (harder than it is already).

My recommendation would be to find a support group, ideally offline. Try and find meetups of traders near your area that you can go and start getting friends that are supportive to your business.

You need to change the environment you are at so that you can have higher chances of success. This could mean to move away from your family and find a group of traders with whom you can share things, or could mean to join a paid chatroom in which you can have a supportive environment that will help improve your trading. In any of the cases you will need to distance yourself from the unsupportive group as it drags your mindset and psychology down which makes it a lot harder to succeed.


you’re absolutely right about that. I literally had to cut all of my old friends and acquaintances off because they just weren’t ambitious enough for me. There was nothing but meaningless conversation and I just had to get away. Right now, I’m trying to find other traders where I’m at so we can link up lol I’m by myself most of the time, so it would be nice to meet other people that are also into trading


Yes, that is exactly what I am trying to do, to meet some real people in my are. So far no success. Forums are helpfull, but having some supportive group of like minded people in the area would be far better than just messaging online.

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Yup. But at least we have something online - better that zero interaction.

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If you need money from your family, then you should not trade at all.
And if it’s yours and failing, I don’t encourage you to stop but take a break. Probably you are depending on feeling which is one clear evident you are in losing sides. It’s not their faults, there will always be some people who will come and against you for what you’re doing anytime but you’ll need to use weapon to take care of your trading, not letting their affecting words enter into your world of trading.

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