How do you get good at trading?

Nope you are wrong

How can we become better at something? I think we all know the answer. First, start with learning. Start your learning from the basic level to advance. After that, it’s time to implement what you learn. So, practice hard. And lastly, experience real trading by entering the market with a real trading account. Always remember either we win or we learn. There is no word like “losing” in a trader’s dictionary.

Learn the basics of trading like What is a trading market and how it works? Study how prices move, types of orders and how to place them. Risk management is a must-learn. You will have to learn about the ideal trading hours according to your goals. After that, learn the advanced level of trading. Learn about trading systems and techniques and how to use them. Last but not least, practice hard. Practice is the key ingredient in becoming a successful trader.

It’s not easy for everyone to become good at forex trading and start earning like a pro. You have to dedicate enough time and effort to ensure that you are taking the right steps every time you are moving ahead.

Ok, i get you guys!

These things should be considered while trading

  • In the beginning, start with a tiny amount of money.
  • To improve your trading skills, use a demo trading account.
  • Before you enter a trade, make sure you have a stop loss and a target price in mind.

It is very important for you to be patient to achieve desired results in forex trading.

To be good at trading one has to keep trading and learn from the mistakes that she/he made. There is no point of placing trades without learning!

Your post speaks lots of common sense , though maybe lots of theory learnt has nt much significance regards success,a “a course of introspection maybe more beneficial”

Practice is the only way to get better at trading. Keep analysing and planning your trades while maintaining discipline. Also, when you choose to learn from your mistakes, rather than crying in uncertainty, it is the time when you actually start growing.

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I agree, you need to be continually analysing yourself so you can see if you are moving from your plan at all especially in the early days of trading

When we are using a correct trading system the income we are getting will also get increased.

Something that many people do not realize. Have a steady income besides forex to ease the stress in your journey. This in turn will stimulate a healthy growth for you as a trader and for your risk management.

Study while making money. Do not study to make money, while you do not have money.

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In my opinion, the only way to get good at trading is by trading continuously with various strategies, keeping track of the forex market, learning something new about forex, doing research and building forex trading skills.

Usually people give advice about finding an experienced trader who can teach. But the most experienced people are not always good teachers. For example, professional drivers are more likely to cause major accidents because they often overestimate their ability to control risks. Dummies are more likely to get away with scratches. Or another example. Soros is the greatest currency speculator of all time. But as soon as you read his books, it becomes clear that he speaks in a bird’s-eye language. From his books nothing is clear, it’s just gibberish.
Therefore the best training is given not by a master of his trade, and an experienced teacher, who can show many of the truths for beginners. Even if the teacher himself is not very successful in the market - it don’t mean teacher is nothing.

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Trade trade and trade… only mantra

i know that’s a way ,that any trader can learn in 30mins ,instantly apply and start winning ,and last forever.but i also know once this technic getting popular ,the FX rules will change ,simply because this market doesn’t allow that much winner existing,that’s capitalism.

You got to realise the charts are manipulating you ,not you manipulating the charts once you realise that you might have a chance

When long in a losing position, I have found myself trying to drag price higher on the screen with the mouse. And sometimes it works. As long as I shout at the PC at the same time…

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Well u know what I mean errrmmm think losing trades are going to come back :roll_eyes::sob:

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I advise everyone to watch how professionals trade.
For example in the Pamm system you can watch the trading of your Pamm manager every day.