How do you get good at trading?

me personaly alway learn 1-2 hours everyday to good at trading.

Learn trading in phases, find learning content you connect with, embrace the trading community and seek mentors, and ultimately, put in the time to develop your own strategy and edge if you enjoy trading.

The time that we will invest in learning about the new skills is very much important for us and we need to make the best use of our time in forex.

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The only key here is being consistent and practising your knowledge.

Practice is what makes a man perfect and the same can be said for trading. Skills will improve only when we work on them.

Regular learning and practicing is what helps traders to become better here.

Being regular with the practice part, plus working on emotions.


How should one work on emotions?

We need to make sure that we are having Full Control over our trading. In this way we would be able to stick to the trades that are correct and not let our Emotions in the way of getting profits from our trading.

You get good at trading with lots and lots of trading. Theory alone is just not enough.

Meditating everyday is one thing that helps. Atleast works for me. Keeps my calm,positive and patient.

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That’s the main thing. Reading through stuff does help, but for thorough understanding, knowing the practicality is damn important. Demo is helpful.

Thanks! I usually never meditate in my life but have heard many traders suggesting meditation.

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Basically, trading plan is must.

No argument from me there, both are necessary to be able to trade well.

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It’s a Gold words. This is what I need to learn :rofl:

Yeah, see so its a must try. Start with just 10 minutes a day. You’ll surely see some difference.

you need:

  • 2-3 years of your time in which you will work and study thousands of hours for free and without the insurance of winning
  • a mentor
  • making 6 consecutives profitable months in demo account
  • drawing thousands charts and saving them
  • make plenty of google search
  • having an environment in which there is a competition (to be around hundreds of traders : professionals and amateurs)
  • not going to party , not bother you with girls
  • having a true passion for finance
  • having a starting capital between 5 and 10k
  • having rigor, discipline , determination , entrepreuneurial mindset, being able to adapt
    -being able to handle stress and accept the judgement of the others as your family will treat you like a loser and you’ll see your friends having a better financial situation than you (at least until you didnt became successful)
    -be ready to loose your job or your student path(university)

you welcome

if you think you gonna study 1 week or 1-2-3 month and then going into real to win a lot of money. dont even try, go on to do an other job

I dont want to discourage you, only to tell the truth. but in other words if you arent able to almost ruin your life financially/professionally/sexually/socially/sentimentaly for some years, dont try to be a full time trader. and even with that you arent sure to be successful

and dont complain if this happen to you because this is part of your “white privilege”

Forex trading is something that will take the most of time out of you and this is important if you are actually looking to become a successful Forex trader.

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